Walk Away

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You can't stop me now
You can't hold me down
You can't keep me here I'm on my way
I made it this far now
And I'm not burning out
No matter what you say I'm not afraid

I woke up the next morning I was still on the couch but Shawn was gone. The tv was off but I did hear noises. I sat up and stretched and looked around. Not seeing anyone I decided to follow the noise. I turned the corner to the kitchen and stood in the doorway.

Shawn and hunter had their backs to me. Hunter was sitting at the island counter and Shawn was at the stove.

Hunter what if she doesn't like eggs and bacon? Shawn asked

Who the hell in their right mind doesn't like bacon he questioned back.

Veggie loves Shawn shot back.

You mean vegetarian?

Yeah them! Shawn laughed

You may have the looks that drive the girls wild but Shawn your really not that.... what the hell are you doing hunter started screaming

I laughed seeing the flames around the frying pan and the look of panic on Shawn's face.

My hand went to my forehead when I saw Shawn run to the sink for water.

Hunter pushed Him out of the way and slapped the back of his head. You don't put water on a grease fire jackass he said while putting the fire out.

That's when I lost it and I laughed uncontrollably that it started to hurt.

They both froze and turned around.

Shawn turned red and hunter just started laughing.

Good morning Ashley Shawn wanted to cook you breakfast but apparently he doesn't know how to cook.

Shawn slapped him and laughed I can cook. He shot back I was just memorized by the flame he laughed.

You guys don't have to cook for me especially after this catastrophe I'll do the cooking i laughed but there is one thing that I would like you to do for me if you don't mind i asked

Sure what's up they replied in unison

Go with me to my parents house so I can go get my clothes I need to find a job so I can help out around here and eventually get my own place so I'm not taking control of your living room I laughed nervously i said playing with my hands.

They looked at each other and smiled

Oh no this can't be good I thought to myself

I'll go with you as long as you run my errands with me shawn replied.

As much as I would love to go and give your father a beat down I have plans that need to be taken care of today hunter replied I'm sorry.

That's fine hunter I just didn't wanna go alone just Incase he tried something.

I told you last night Ashley that nothing  bad will ever happen to you as long as I'm around Shawn spoke softly looking into my eyes

Could I possibly use the shower and barrow some clothes so I don't look like a bum in public I asked.

Of course buttercup Shawn replied going to his room

I followed him he threw me one of his shirts and a pair of jeans gave me a towel and pointed to the bathroom. And went to look for hunter.

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