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Adore you
I mean
You crush me
It's times like these
When my faith I feel
And I know
How I love you
Come on, come on
It's crazy I'm thinking
Just as long as you're around
And here I'll be dancing on the ground
Am I right side up or upside down
To each other we'll be facing
By love, we'll beat back the pain

~*~ Shawn's p.o.v ~*~

Hunter, Chyna, and I walked into the living room waiting for Ashley to get changed and come sit with us.

So how did today go? Hunter inquired

Well I didn't kill her father so I'm assuming that it went pretty well I chuckled.
You guys should have seen that place. The whole house was a trash pit except for her room. It was sad she didn't even have a bed Hunter all she had was a bunch of cushions to sleep on.

That poor girl Chyna said shaking her head.

We talked for a while until Ashley made her appearance. She looked as she had been crying. She sat down next to me and I threw my arm around her shoulder, pulled her close to me, and whispered into her ear. You doing ok there buttercup? I questioned.

She looked up to meet my gaze and said never better thank you and smiled.

Hunter got up and put the first movie in which was dumb and dumber. This movie was quite funny we were all laughing and chatting about random things and munching on the pizza and snacksnthrough the movie.

When that was over Ashley picked the second movie. It was titanic. I suddenly remembered that she said that it was her favorite movie. Halfway through the movie, Ashley was cuddled up next to me under a blanket there was no doubt about it she was falling asleep. I couldn't blame her she's had a long emotional day.

What are you guys doing tomorrow she sleepily asked.

We have a house show hunter mentioned

Can I come with you guys I don't wanna be alone she asked again.

This time it was Chyna that spoke up

Of course, you can sweetie I'll introduce you to the rest of the girls I'm sure they will love you, my dear.

Ashley sighed and cuddled into me more. When that movie was over Ashley was fast asleep.

So how old is Ashley? Chyna inquired

17 and her birthday is in like 2 weeks I replied.

Shawn, she said shaking her head.

No Jonie its not like that! I mean yes she's beautiful but I'm not doing this to get into her pants if I was I would have had my way with her in the ally the night we met.

As sad as that sounds I agree hunter chipped in you don't know how many times I was the lookout.

I don't know what it is about her but she makes me want to be a better person I told the two.

Hunter and Chyna went to his room and Ashley and I stayed on the couch by this time she was asleep. I sat there and looked at her. The bruise on her face was looking better by the day but was still dark. She shifted on the couch and I moved away to go to the bathroom. I came back into the living room and Ashley was still asleep on the couch. I decided to pick her up and take her to her room.

I wonder how she can sleep on the couch. That couch hurts my back when I sleep on it. With Ashley in my arms I pulled back the blankets and placed her in her bed I covered her up. I went to walk out of the room as I turned off the light she spoke.


Yes, buttercup?

Never mind she sighed and rolled over.

I walked to her and sat next to her and started rubbing her back.

What is it Ashley you can tell me anything?

Nothing, it's stupid.

I promise you it's not stupid I said quietly continuing to rub her back to show support.

She sighed and rolled over to me. Instead of playing with her hands like she does when she's nervous, she started playing with mine and I felt the sparks immediately.

All of my life I've been in fight mode. I could never let my guard down. Always walking on eggshells and having to judge what kind of mood people are in before decided to engage in conversation or leaving my room. But here with you and hunter, I feel safe maybe it's because you guys are built like a brick house or maybe it's something else I haven't figured it out yet. But when I'm around you guys I feel safe and I've never felt that before it's scary for me.

I squeezed her hand in mine. It was dark but I knew she had to be crying. She squeezed back. I sat there for a few moments until I thought she was sleeping again until I decided to go to my room.

Shawn, I heard it again.

Will you stay with me at least until I'm asleep.

Of course Ashley, I said laying down next to her.

~*~ next morning Ashley's pov ~*~

I woke up about 8 am I couldn't sleep any longer and rolled over. Sawn was still next to me his gorgeous hair spread over the pillow he looked so peaceful I didn't wanna wake him. I quietly snuck out of bed and went down the hall to the living room. Hunter and Jonie must still be sleeping as well because I was the only one there. I decided that the least I could do for them was make breakfast so I looked at what they had in the fridge hoping that they wouldn't mind later.

They didn't have much but I found enough to make eggs, bacon, sausage French toast. and some fruit. I may have gone overboard but oh well. I guess the smell must have woken them because the next thing I knew a sleepy hunter and Jonie were walking into the kitchen as the coffee finished.

This kitchen smells like heaven Jonie stated.

Thank you! if there's one thing I can do well it's definitely cooked I laughed.

I sat down and started chatting with them as we are. It's so nice to actually have friends I thought to myself.

Where's Shawn? Hunter asked and as if right on cue he walked into the kitchen.

Sleep well? Jonie asked with a smirk on her face.

Best sleep of my life he laughed. What is all of this?

I hope you don't mind but I couldn't sleep and you all we're sleeping so I raided the fridge and decided to cook breakfast. I said playing with my hands waiting for him to start yelling. Instead, I get a quick hug and a thank you.

Shawn sat down with us and are they all agreed that it was delicious and that I could cook for them whenever I wanted.

So what time do we all have to be at the show I asked.

Vinman normally wants us there by 1 and it's ready 11:30 hunter stated.

And you guys are sure you don't mind if I come with? I asked

No of course not Jonie replied

Well then I better start cleaning up and go and get ready I said.

Just go get ready well take care of things hunter stated.

Jonie must have seen the look in my eyes she gave me a huge thanks for a delicious breakfast go get ready my dear well take care of it and she started to clean up the dishes as I went back to my room.

Nice work Shawn I think she's a keeper she giggled

Yeah, man don't fuck this up hunter laughed her food is delicious. Shawn smacked hunter and laughed I'm gonna try my best not to.

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