I won't give up

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Well, I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

Shawn couldn't help the tears as he stepped into the hospital room. It had been 24 hours since he'd seen Ashley awake. He talked to her constantly, telling her stories about his childhood or just making up stories in his head just so she would hear his voice and know he was there. At first, he would be embarrassed when the nurses walked in mid-sentence but that quickly faded. The nurses brought him food but he couldn't bare to stomach it. He didn't care about eating shawn's only concern was Ashley. The first night Shawn had even crawled into the hospital bed and held Ashley, well that was until a nurse discovered him and said he couldn't lay in bed with her. He wasn't even supposed to be there after visiting hours but not one of the staff members had the heart to tell him.

For Shawn, the minutes that passed by felt like hours, the hours felt like days and the days felt like years. Seeing Ashley lay there lifeless in a white gown under a white sheet was simply torture for him. He longed to see the sparkle in her eyes when she looked at him, her smile that lit up the room and made his heart skip a beat. Despite only knowing her a short time There was no doubt in shawn's mind that he had found his soulmate. All he could think was he found the love of his life and this couldn't be the way it ended.

Her bedside table and windowsill was full of flowers mostly from Shawn and his friends. When his coworkers found out they hounded him with support. Although Ashley didn't feel this way in the short time she had been around hunter Shawn and Jonie she had left a mark on people closes to the trio.

Shawn was numb there was no other way to put it. His eyes were red and bloodshot from lack of sleep and crying. His five o'clock shadow was coming in nicely as well. When he wasn't speaking to the love of his life laying in that bead he was counting the beeps from the machine or watching her heart rhythm making sure nothing changed. Shawn couldn't bring himself to be vocal about it, but he blamed himself for not being there to save Ashley. Had he been more attentive to her, maybe sunny wouldn't have attacked her in the first place. Even Shawn didn't think she would stoop so low.

The doctor came in the next morning after the attack to check her vitals. Everything looked as good as it could be for someone in her condition and declared that she was stable. Her breathing was normal heartbeat was great and her brain activity was fine. It was only a matter of time until she woke up. After hearing the news that she would wake up any hint of movement caused Shawn to jump and alert a doctor...only to be gently told that it was only a reflex.

Hunter and Jonie came to visit they brought a change of clothes for Shawn and a few of Ashley's books.

He looked at hunter sadly and hunter told him that Ashley loves to read so he brought a few of her books thinking that Shawn could read to Ashley. Shawn was quiet when visitors were there. He didn't talk much just kept ahold of her hand and caressed it with his thumb.

The next visitor surprised him though because he hadn't even thought to call her. It was his mom as soon as Shawn saw her he wrapped his arms around her put his head on her shoulders and broke down into sobs.

Mom how could I let this happen to her. It's all my fault.

Shhh baby it's not your fault. You didn't attack her. You didn't think anyone would attack her so why is it your fault? She asked him.

I promised to protect her mom and I let her down. What if she hates me or she wants to leave he rambled. Once again the tears streaming down his face. Carol moved away from him slightly and sweetly wiped his tears from his face. I promise you baby she's not gonna hates you for this. This wasn't your fault now stop thinking it is because when she wakes up she's gonna need you. With that Shawn seemed to calm down for a bit.

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