Chapter 26

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Darryl/Badboyhalo's POV

I stood on the long bridge with my loving Zak. Staring at the cold nightsky and down at the water where you can see the beautiful night-sky's reflection. It's so pretty. Just a like a dream. I looked up. "Doesn't it look beautiful Zak..? Just like a dream. What do you think...?"

". . ."

"Yea. That's what i thought aswell."

. . .

It so beautiful.. just like you."
Tears falling down my face, but my face blank.

. . .

"You and me Zak. Together in this nightsky. We'll be flying and swimming."

. . .

"Just you"

"And me"



My face all red, eyes tired from crying and my heart all broken.

. . .




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  . . .

I heard someone say my name.

"Zak...?" my eyes feeling heavy and tired.


"Is that you Zak...?" and walked closer to the edge.

I heard it again and again.

"I'm coming ... Zak.."

"DARRYL!" i felt someone grabbing me and throwing me on the ground. Pinning me down.

It was all so blurry.

"Darryl! Snap out off it!"

"Who.. is there..?" i mouthed.

"Darryl it's me! It's me Finn!"


"Zak..?" i whipsered.
"No it's Finn! Finn!"


"Finn..." i slowly whipsered and turned my while body around to Zak.

"Zak..." saying it slowly and quitely.

He looked over to Zak, shooked and it looked like he was about to cry.  He didn't tho.. and called someone.

"... Zak..." i hugged him one last time and then blacked out.

Finn/F1nn5ter's POV

Me and the rest brought Darryl and Zak to the hospital after i found them at the bridge. Darryl probably didn't really realize it was me, because i was dressed a girl, but whatever now. They asked me alot of questions, but i couldn't really answer them, since i didn't know anything really either. We don't know if Darryl even realised that Zak was still dying and almost dead. Was Zak even gonna live? ... We don't know. It happened all so quickly.

Darryl was so out, he looked so broken. What happened...? I mean, we could clearly see that someone attempted murder on Zak and Darryl must've found him and... well broke down. Now this... Darryl was put in a special room for now and some are trying to talk to him and helping. Wonder how it's going..

Wait a second- i realised that someone wasn't even here. I tapped Mega on his shoulder and he turned around.
"Hey, i just realized that Jacob isn't here. Where is he?" i asked confused.
He looked at me and typed something down on his phone. "He's probably sleeping or something. Couldn't reach out to him."
"Oh.. well.. that's sad. Everyone else is here. Okey thanks." and walked away.
Seems kind of weird, but okey. Maybe he had a rough day today or something. I don't know.

Seeing everyone so worried, crying and what not is really not that great. Let's just hope everything will go okey.

I still can't imagen that Darryl almost... jumped of the bridge.. what is even happening here...

We all went home later, Darryl had to stay at the hospital, since they didn't want to leave a person like that now alone. Noone should. It's better that, also i'm guessing noone could really sleep at all. You could see them being online and talking in TeamSpeak. I tried to sleep, but i couldn't. Didn't want to join their call tho, so i went on social media to distract myself. What else was there to do at midnight?

. . .

Jacob/Zelk's POV

"What a tragedy"

. . .

"What a shame.."

. . .



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