Chapter 9

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Wilbur's POV

I asked Schlatt.
"What fence?" he asked and i pointed at the fence again.
"Over there."
"No I haven't, why."
"I don't know. There was just some Guy with a green hoddie and a weird smiley mask looking over to us." i said.
"So what? You wanna go over and say hi or what?" he asked.
"You know what? I will do that Schlatt! Let's go!" and drag him with me.
We made our way over to the fence to see who that was, while Schlatt was over there groaning.
"Schlatt come one! We are almost there man!"
"Okey fine, but you don't have to drag me like that." i just let go so he would stop wining.
When we arrived we looked over.
"Uh hello over there!" i said and waved over. They looked over confused, probably as to why some random strangers just came over to them.

"You mean you" Schlatt interrupted me. I sighed.
"I saw one of you looking over to us and wanted to say hello!" i said.
They still seemed a little confused, except for the one i saw.
"Uh.. well.. Hi back to you?" the one with the round glasses or goggles or glasses said.
"Are you Guys from somewhere here?" he asked.
"No not really. We live a bit further away from here. We were just on our way home." i replied.
"I'm-" before I could introduce myself, Schlatt nugged me.
"What?" i whispered.
"You can't just say your name like that?! Are you dumb?! I mean you probably are, but come on!" he whispered back.
I sighed.
"Don't be such a baby Schlatt."

"The name is Wilbur and this is Schlatt!" Schlatt just face palmed and walked away.
"Oh, well nice to meet you. I'm George, this is Sapnap and-" he got cut of.
"And I'm Dream!"
Pff what? Dream? I snickered.
"What's so funny?" he asked.
"Nothing nothing! It's just, Dream? Really?" What kind of name is that?
George whispered something to him, tho i don't know what.
"Maybe we'll see eachother again and can spend time together!" I randomly suggested.

After like a minute, they turned back.
"Sure, why not. Well, it was nice meeting you Wilbur. You might want to catch up om your friend." he said.
"Oh right! Almost forgot! Well, it was nice meeting you too! See ya!" and so I left.
"Schlatt wait up!" i shouted and ran as fast as I could.
"Why did you say our names dude?!" he asked angrily.
"Whatcha mean? Can't we just introduce ourselves to new people?"
he just sighed.
"You know whatever. Let's just go home faster." Schlatt said and we walked faster.

George's POV

"Clay? Why did you introduce yourself with Dream?" I asked since it felt weird he did that.
"I don't know. I just didn't wanna them my name name." he replied. Well, i can't say anything to it if he doesn't want to say his name.
"Yo Guys, can we go inside now? It's gettin' a bit cold outside now." Sapnap asked and he's right. Getting a bit cold here. We stood up, walked back inside and sat down in the kitchen. We looked where the other were, Mega and Jacob were sitting on the couch looking at eachothers phones. Georgey was sitting on the chair watching TV, but i can't see the rest anymore. Some might be upstairs i guess.
"What time is it even?" Sapnap asked.
"Uh .. lemme just check.. uhm.. it's almost 23o'clock." i replied.
"Uh okey. Are we all gonna sleep at the same places or?"
"We can ask."

So we stood up and asked around.
We ended up with nothing really, it stayed the same. Ah man. I really wanted to be sleeping on a bed. Whatever, but than we stopped dead in our track and looked at eachother.
"Wait a minute. Why were Vince, Dave, Zak, Darryl all in the Guestroom." We looked at eachother for another second, then quickly walked up again and opened the door.

"What are you all doing here??" I asked very confused as to what the hell all of this is.
They all looked at us. "Uuhhh...."
"We are talking about some recent event, that is Jacob." Dave said.
We closed the door.
"What are you talking about?"
"Did you even notice how mich weirder he acted and so on?" Zak asked.
We looked at eachother and shrugged.
"Look. Sit down. We were just talking about anyway." we sat down and listened.

Jacob/Zelk's POV

Me, Mega and Georgey were just sitting in the living room and chilling. I turned to Georgey.
"Hey Georgey?"
"Yea?" Wow, not even bothering to look at me. Okey.
"Where are the others?" I asked since i didn't really pay attention.
"Oh, they are upstairs doing something, i don't know-" he stopped. "... yea."
"Okey I'm gonna go and look."
"Wait-! Let me go first!" he quickly said
"No way bro! I'll be first!" and quickly ran upstairs before him. As i did i heard them quickly sushing eachother. I opened the door.
"Hey Jacob!" Darryl said.
"What are you all doing here?" i asked laughing a little.
"We... uh.." Darryl couldn't even find his words.

"They are all planning for a BIG collab Minecraft Video dude and we wanted to be a surprise!" Georgey explained.
I looked around, at each of them and this all seems a little off. I would believe Georgey, but the rest do a bad job of even acting like it really is that and not something else.
"What is all of this hidding and crap!? It seems like you are all talking behind my back!" I fakely cried out. They all had this worried and sorry look on their face.
"Jacob we are not! Georgey just told you what we were talking about." Vincent said.
I looked away.
"Fine... if you say. I'm sorry for my behaviour then."
They sighed.
"It's fine Jacob. We are also sorry and maybe we should go to sleep for today." Darryl suggested. We nodded and went to our sleeping places.

I couldn't fall asleep.
Mega opened his eyes.
"Can't sleep?" he very quietly asked.
"No.." I replied.
"What was all the commotion about upstairs?"
"I don't know. They were all upstairs talking about something, but it seemed like they are all talking behind my back." I explained acting a little sad about it, even tho it made me more angry and distrustful.
"They are just little assholes if they are talking behind your back and if not then i dunno."
Heh... seeing him being on my side makes me happy, tho i can feel his heart racing faster and faster. Am i too close?
"Hey Mega? Am I too close or why is your heart racing faster."

he flinches and pushes me off.
"Off-! E- hehe. I guess i was." and laughed it off a little.
"I'll just sit here then for awhile."
"Okey sorry for pushing you off." Mega apologized.
"It's fine."
"What was that...?" Vincent asked. Ups, i guess we woke someone up.
"It's fine Vincent. I just fell down."
"Okey." and he went back to sleep.
I looked back at Mega.
"You sleeping yet?" i asked.
"I'm trying." he quietly responded and he sounded a little tired.
"Okey goodnight Mega. Can I atleast kiss your forehead?" i pleaded.
"What am to you 9 or what?"
He sighed and said fine.
"Yay!" I quietly, happily said and kissed his forehead.
"Oke Goodnight now!"
And went to sleep.

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