Chapter 14

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Clay/Dream's POV

After we ended our Video and stuff, logged of for today and silently edited the Video with some background music.
"... what am i doing... i just want to tell them how i really feel towards them, but i can't." i sighed. It just bothered me so much and not only that. My head flopped down on the table, tired out of my mind. "Would they even love me back like that? ... Maybe ... or maybe not." I looked at the time, it was now 15:30. "... so much time still left. Ugh... I should just finish editing." so i got back to editing the Video. Time flys by slowly. After what seemed like months i finally finished the video. "Cool." I got up and layed on my bed for the rest if the day, looking through social media.
Oh. "Hey kitty." They hopped in my bed and layed next to me. "How've you been?" I snuggled with my cat a bit. Felt nice and eventually fell asleep.

Jacob/Zelk's POV

I sat in my room thinking on how i'll make Zak suffer before i end him at the playground. Poor Darryl, it'll break his heart seeing his loved one hurt and later dead. It was his fault anyway. They shouldn't have snooped around and or talking smack behind my back.
I stood up, walked over to my bookshelf and picked out a photo album that i hid.

"You always have a special place in heart." Sitting down on my bed, looking through the album and smiling. "My little Mega. You make me feel happy and sane." I looked at those cute photos. ... i ...
You got a message.
"Huh? A message? From who."
I took my phone and-

"Hey Jacob. How are you doing?"
"Hey Mega! I'm doing alright. How about you?"
"Eh, pretty okey i guess. Just wanted to ask, because of all the shit that was thrown at you."
"Oh, yea. Well, it's alright. I'll slove it with them later on."
"Also, now that i remember, what did Clay and you talk about? Just wanna know."
...crap what do i tell him?? I don't know?!
"It's a suprise! I don't want to ruin it."
"A suprise? Okey, seems interesting."
"Yea! Well, anyway! Anything else you want to talk about?"
"No nothing. It's all good. See you."
"See ya!"



I sighed, hid my album and walked out my room to the kitchen. Didn't eat anything since breakfast and it was already.. what time is it? "17:57pm" huh... "i should really eat something." so that's what i did. While eating i thought how i'll make Zak slowly suffer. The only thing i could hear was me eating and the ticking clock that was in my kitchen. I would've never had the thought of ending their lives, until they started what they started. Whatever. I know that Zak knows to much already. Sorry Darryl, but he needs to go and you maybe later aswell.


Come to think of it... when was the last time I've visited my parents? I finished eating, cleaned up, took my dark blue jacket and walked out. Closing the door behind me. "It probably has been awhile already." i said to myself. The sky was a dark blue, violet. Very pretty. The streets were quiet, aside from the chirping birds. I arrvied at my parents place and other people.

The sematary.

"Not so shabby here since i last visited." and made my way over to my parents. It wasn't too far away and when i arrived i sat down infront of them. Just staring.

"Hey Mom. Hey Dad. How've you two been? Sorry for not visiting for awhile. I guess i'm just that busy nowadays. Me and my friends had a great party these few days actually. It was alot of fun. ..."


"I somewhat wish you two were still here to see me,but also not. Now we are all here... Why did that happen. Why did i even... whatever."

Then just sat there all by myself. My phone turned on silent. I didn't wanted to be bothered. If it rained, i wouldn't care and also thought that noone that i know of would really come here. I'll go home eventually.

Mega's POV

Even tho Jacob assured me that he was doing alright, but i'm guessing that it was still something for him to process. I shook my head. "Come on Mega. He's okey. He even said it." i thought to myself. "He's all fine. Don't worry Mega. Just focuse on your stuff right now. If he needs something he'll just text or call you. ... i hope."
I sighed and just went to work.

George/Georgenotfound's POV

Calling Sapnap.

"Come on. Pick up."

. . .

I sat in my Chair waiting for Sapnap to pick up.

. . .

"Hello?" he answered.
"Sapnap! Oh god you're still online!"
"Woah George! Calm down. What's wrong?"
I exhaled
"Sapnap, please tell me i'm not the only one thinking about this red string Clay gave us?!"
"No, i'm also still thinking about. Why? What's wrong with?"
"Nothing is wrong with the string, but it worries me that he gave it to us and himself and said that it supposed to symbolise our connection to eachother. Doesn't that sound kind of..??"

"... no don't tell me that he would... no.. that isn't what he would do. George listen. You know Clay wouldn't do that-"
"We don't know that?!"
"George listen! He wouldn't do that! If you want to we can try calling him. How about that?"
"Okey okey..."

Calling Clay.

. . .

"He's not picking up!"
"George just wait."

. . .

"Sapnap... he's not.."

. . .

"Please leave a message after-"

"He didn't pick up Sapnap!"
"Try again maybe!"

. . .

We tried again, but nothing.

"Maybe he's sleeping George. It's 18:37. Who knows-"

Call ended.

I gotta go and see for myself! Sorry Sapnap and so i ran as fast as i could over to Clay's house. Feeling my tears running down my cheeks as the thought if something happening to him rushed through my mind. "Clay!" i screamed and arrvied at his house. He gave us a spare key, so i quickly took them out and tried opening the door, while my hands were shaking.

The door opened and i ran to his room.
"Clay! Clay are you still here!?" i yelled out and swung open his door.
"AGH!" he screamed.
"Clay!" i hugged him so tight and didn't even wanted to let go. I just cried on his shoulder.

"George?? Hey George what happend?!" he asked very worried and confused.
"I- i.. i th-hought you were going to l-leave us!" i cried out.
"W-what? I would never! What made you thought that i would ever leave you?!"
"Y-you ga-gave us does red s-strings and later at home i- i thought that it meant you would leave us! A-and you didn't pick up when i called you! I was worried!" i explained while i keept crying. He was so surprise and just hugged me back as tight as i did.
"I-i was sleeping. Sorry George..."
"N-no.. i-i'm sorry ... Clay.. f-for thinking that way... i should have listen to Sapnap..."

Then Sapnap bursted in.
"George-! Clay.." he slowly walked toward us and sat next to us.
"It's all good George. He's here. It's all fine." he calmly said.

. . .

We stayed over at his place for the rest of the day.

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