Chapter 11

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Jacob/Zelk's POV

"Let's see what good places and other stuff i can find in here.." i said to myself and explored by my own. This building looked somewhat small, but it's not. There is even a path going down, what a great place Zak found! Speaking of Zak. He stopped at that one spot when we were walking and pointed at a long path. Did this path had something do with his nightmare and how does he know of this place? I've never seen him there... what a coincidence. Maybe i'll make his little nightmare a reality, tho i would first have to get him there. ... and i think i know exactly how~.

I looked around for a little longer and finding some really interesting stuff and rooms. I could hear shouting my name, but i didn't respond. Let's just prank them for fun! Gotta find something...
"Jacob! Jaaacob!? Where are you?!" Georgey shouted.
They seem to be somewhat far away.
While looking around i found dead bird corpse laying there, it looked pretty dead, but that old. I took out two gloves, picked it up and left it at the door from where i came through.
"Hehe..." Then grabbed stick and stabbed right through it so it would look even better. Making some weird noises so they would come right into my little surprise. I ran further away to find some other stuff and after a few minutes-

"AAAHHHH! OH MY GOODNESS!" definitely Darryl. Got him! I just laughed, but then heard-
"Wait wait! Guys listen!"
I shushed myself quickly, but i still laughed a little.
"Oh my god shut up Jacob!" i thought to myself. It was silent. My god... i was still laughing, but quitely. What the hell. Gotta go somewhere else quick.
The next room i went in i found a dead corpse of a person. Didn't look that old... wonder what happened here. I just took it with me, looking for where i can place it. The longer i looked at it i realised that it was little boy, probably around 6 years old. Cool.
"What else is here..." i mumbled to myself and after opening alot of doors and finding nothing really i just walked in one of the smelly rooms, placed the kid near the door, took my gloves off and tucked them in my pocket. "This building didn't really have much to offer..." i sighed and waited. I mean, what was there to expect. This house was probably not even that old.

"Jacob where are you! This isn't funny!" Darryl shouted and i just grabbed a rock and threw it somewhere.
"Oh my goodness guys he is somewhere here! Follow me!"
And after like 2 more minutes they found me just sitting there, but also screamed at the sight of the dead kid.
"Oh my godness! What is that corpse doing here?! Goodness Jacob! What- how- how did you end up here?? What happened?!"
he asked, a bit worried.
Georgey walked away a bit and threw up, while Dave was next to him.
"I... i don't know. I just lost you all all of the sudden.. and heard some weird crap.. and this corpse was also here.. also what was that screaming about?" i played all confused and shit.

Mega looked relieved and hugged me.
"Don't leave like that.." he quietly said to me.
"I'm sorry Mega.." i said back.
"Aww.. uh ..oh yea we too heard something. Sounded like someone laughing and we saw a dead bird, impaled by a stick and now this corpse and- wait.. you haven't seen the bird?" ah shit-!
"No... i haven't?"
"Oh. Well anyway! Let's just stick together from now on, okey? I don't want to see this... corpse anymore.. i don't want to know what happened.." i nodded and we continued walking togther.
Close call.
Tho i keept laughing inside and was a little sad that i didn't do more. ... Later.

Time skip.

After that we went back home and chilled for a little while. I was just waiting for when we would be grilling and Me and Mega cuddling and-
"Jacob" I opened my eyes. "We need to talk." It was Clay.

Clay/Dream's POV

I stood infront of Jacob waiting.
"What really now?" he sighed.
"Yes now."
Mega looked confused as to why i need to talk to him.
"Come on." and walked outside.
He stood up and followed me, closing the door behind him. I walked further away from the house, since i didn't want anyone to hear us.
"So you want to continue this now? Really." he said a little annoyed.
"Yes really, now." i said. "For real. What was all that about??"
"What do you mean?? You were the one who started it!"
"Out of fun!"
"Well so did i and then you just started shouting at me!"
"So what?!"
"So what?!"


We looked at eachother for a moment.
"Wait..." i slowly said.
And took a moment to realise something.
"Wait what... are we?" Jacob said.
" no no. We are NOTHING alike! You alot more obsessed with Mega! I'm not like that!" i shouted and Jacob shushed me.
"Shh! Dude! Okey fine, you got me. Also you may not be like me one hundred percent, but you gotta admit that you are like half percent."
I looked away.

"Clay come on. I know we weren't always on best terms nor hung out with eachother alot, but this... this has to be something." he calmly said.
I knew how Jacob was but, realising that i was almost just like him. That fucked me sorta up.
"Look, i don't know what to say really okey. This seems a little overwhelming." i said quietly. He layed his hand on my shoulder.
"Hey. It's fine, but tell me one thing." I looked at him straight in his eyes.

"What were you all talking about yesterday." This is all going so fast. I can't even collect my thoughts and just blurded out-
"They were talking about you and how you act more weirder, more violent and suspicious." why...
"... so it really was how Mega said.." he took his hand back and looked at me.
"One more thing. If i or someone else were to take/kill or them committing suicide. What would you do. What would be your reaction?"

As soon as he said that more and more thoughts flooded my mind. It was getting unbearable.
"STOP! Stop! ... stop it.." i looked down. "I don't know what my life would be anymore... if anyone got hurt..." i shook my head.
"W-What would you do?! Huh!" you asked me, than it's only fair if i did so too.

"... That person would be dead." he said so coldly.
We stood outside for a while.
"Let's cut it here for now Clay." he said. "Let's go back in." and walked back. I just followed.
What am i doing. What is going on with me. We walked back in and sat down.

"Hey George.. Sapnap.." my heart felt so tired.
They turned around.
"Clay? What's wrong?" George asked and came over, Sapnap too.
"You seem a little bumbed." Sapnap added.
"Can we go upstairs for a moment.." i quietly said.
"Uh sure." George said and we walked upstairs to the Guestroom. Sapnap closed the door and we sat down on the bed.
"What did you want to talk about?" George asked.
I just looked down. All my thoughts still racing.
"I.. i don..." i couldn't really speak.
"Did something happen while you were out with Jacob?" Sapnap asked.
"Did he do something to you?"
"No.. he didn't.. i just.. feel so tired.."
"Then take a nap-?" i cut Sapnap off.

"No.. not like that ... my heart feels tired.. everything is just so... i don't know.. many thoughts just flooded my mind and i didn't want the others to see me like this." i just rambled something out. They looked at eachothrt and hugged me.
"Well, you can talk to us. We are here for you if you need something." George said.
"I know..." ... "I'll tell you Guys one day.." i mouthed.
"Can we.. stay like this for a little longer...?" i asked, since it just felt so nice.
"Of course Clay." both answered.

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