Chapter 13

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It's 8 in the morning.
Some stood up a bit earlier, some later.
They said their good mornings, got dressed, ate breakfast and what else you do in the morning.

Later saying goodbye, hugging eachother and making their way home.
They still had to make some Videos for next week so not time to waist anymore.

Jacob/Zelk's POV

Aw man... the party felt so short. Sad.
Anyway! Let's see what he has to offer- oh right. Gotta make some Videos.
I got home, sat down at my desk and wrote in my Diary.

"Dear Diary,
Todays Party was something with some really close calls, but atleast i got to be with Mega again. Anyway, aside from that i noticed that almost everyone seem to be on me now, but i also know now that Clay is almost like me. We could make a deal. We'll see how everything will turn out. I also feel like Zak knows to much. I gotta get rid of him and then Darryl since he's always with him nowadays. Don't want them to be snooping around my house.
Be careful Zak. I'll be coming for you."

I closed it and put it safely away.
"Glad he didn't found the rest."
And then worked on my Videos.
"Hey Guys! Welcome back to another Video!"

Zak/Skeppy's POV

Ah... home sweet home.

Buddy switched.

"Hey Darryl!"
"Hey Zak!"
"Working on your Video?" i asked.
"Ah. You know me. Always working on Videos and streaming." he said.
"When's your new Vid coming?"
"Soon!" Darryl happily replied.
"I just got to do some little editing and them i'm done!"
"Cool! Uh, another thing."

"Uhm... you don't have to Stream every single Saturday you know that?" i was a little hesitant.
"Yea i know, but i don't want them to be sad, when there's no stream."
"I know i know, it's just, last time you streamed i saw that it didn't wasn't really great. Ya know." Yes i did watch it and it hurt honestly.

He was silent.

"Darryl? Hello?"

"I'm here... and.. you watched the stream?"
"Of course i did." i was actually gradding something real quick and when I came back he seemed so broken..
"I didn't know, but thanks."
"S-sorry if that made you a little sad again! I was just concerned." i really was.
"Well, thanks for your concern Zak. I appreciate it very much."


"Do you want to make a Video together?" i suggested.
"Sure, why not!" he happily responded. There's the Darryl i know.
Video starts.
"YOOO! What's up Everybody! Today i'm joined by Bad!"

Clay/Dream's POV

"AAGGGHH" i just screamed into nothingess. "What's with all this bullshit now!? It could've been so normal, but NO! Jacob just came and mentally gave a slap on my face!" I flopped on my bed, sighing. "Uugghh! Thanks alot!" I looked over to my PC. "Do i even want to now?" i asked myself. "Let's just see what the others are doing." I got up, sat down on my chair and looked who was online.
"Huh... seems like almost everyone. Let's see..."

Buddy joined your channel.

"Hey Sapnap."
"Hey Clay, what's up?"
"Nothing much, but it looks like almost everyone seems to be online."
"Maybe they wanna finish atleast one Video today."
"I guess so. How about Sapnap?"
"Me? I don't know. I have some school stuff to do, so that's one thing."
"Ew school. Hahah!"
"Pff yea right!"

Buddy joined your channel.

"Hey Guys!"
"Hey George!" i said.
"You up for a Video today?"
"Uhm, sure why not."
"I guess i can spear some time."
"Cool! Uh- wait a second be right back!"

I muted my mic, stood up and made myself some coffee. "I should've made it before hand.." i muttered. After making my coffe i walked back to my room and sat back down.

Mic unmuted.

"I'm back. I forgot to make myself some coffe."
"Why?" George asked. "Didn't sleep well?"
"Not really, but can you blame me?"
"Anyway. Let's start."

My thoughts were still everywhere and one thing in particular stood out. When Jacob said "That person would be dead.". Would he really kill someone.. what do i know. He might, but me? Would i even.. some say, when we play Minecraft togther and Manhunt especially, that i'm scary, a psychopath, no mercy for anyone. That's only Minecraft Manhunt tho. I wouldn't do that in real life.


Would I?


Who knows.
Never done that.

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