Chapter Seventeen

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Peeta wake up damn it!

Finnick pushes his lips against Peeta's, and starts to blow air into his lungs. Why isn't he waking up? Peeta's too strong to die in these games. Most people look at him, and always think he's the one hiding behind Katniss. I bet they don't know that it's usually the other way around.

Katniss cries his name down my ear, as I hold onto a certain spot on Peeta's neck, desperately waiting for his pulse to return.

"C'mon Peeta!" Finnick growly out of desperation. Katniss cries, begging for him to wake up. I shake my head gently, and try a different position on his neck

"Please Peeta... Peeta" Katniss sobs, as Finnick pumps air into his lungs again.

This time, I try resuscitating him instead of Finick. I pray in my head that what I do next works.

"Come on Peeta! Wake the hell up!" And I plunge my fist down on his heart so hard, I wouldn't be surprised if I'd damaged it completely. But as soon as he gasps for air again, I fall away from him, and start to breath heavily. 

I stare down at my fist. Who knew I had a magical punch?

"Be careful, there's a forcefield up there" Peeta sighs, still trying to regain his breath. Finnick comes over, and holds out his hand to help me up.

"Where can I get a hand like that?" He smirks at me

"You can't, I'm just unique" He laughs, and goes back to staring at Katniss and Peeta.

Maybe I should have seen it before, but I am now. The way Katniss holds Peeta like she never wants to let go. She does love him. And I think everyone realizes that now.

Great, thanks  Katniss, for making my job of keeping Peeta alive ten times harder. Much appreciated.

As soon as Peeta's able to walk again, we keep moving. Katniss at the front, throwing small stones in random places to check if the forcefields still nearby. Peeta follows behind her, and I walk behind him, making sure he can keep his balance. I make snide remarks every now and then, comparing him to an old man. I'm glad he doesn't take it to heart. But I'm even happier when he throws a comment back, at least he hasn't lost his sense of humour!

"Hang on" Katniss stops us all tells us all, and moves by herself a little further, and starts climbing one of the trees.

"Why don't you sit down" I tell Peeta.

"What just so you can make fun of me?" He raises an eyebrow

"Damn it, always a spoil sport" we laugh "no I'm being serious, you need to rest"

"I'm fine, don't worry"

"Peeta you were dead like ten minutes ago how can we not worry?"

He doesn't answer, as we're all distracted as something hits the forcefield above, and we hear it boom around the arena. Katniss experimenting I guess.

"The forcefield, it's a dome" Katniss reveals when she climbs back down from the tree "we're at the edge of the arena. I couldn't find any signs of fresh water" She looks at me and Peeta, who leans against the vines.

"It's gunna get dark soon" Finnick breaks the silence "we'd be safer with our backs protected we should set up camp, take turns sleeping" He suggests. No one has a problem with it

"Not a chance" everyone apart from Katniss.

"Honey" Finnick stands up, and stares at her. Oh no. "that thing we did back there, for Peeta, that was called saving his life. If I wanted to kill either of you I would have done it by now"

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