Chapter Two

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I couldn't really complain about the train journey, I hardly left my room. My poor Guard must have been bored stiff standing outside my room. I wouldn't be surprised.

The only time he has a break is when I'm asleep. Well, when he thinks I'm asleep. I don't sleep anymore. So when he comes into my room during the night to check I'm okay, he stands there for a while, doing what, I don't know.

But when he leaves, I turn over, and switch on my bedside lamp. Pulling open my draw, and digging deep into the corner, I pull out my notepad, and begin drawing. I've decided to draw out my nightmares, and see if it helps during the night. It hasn't so far. I wonder what Effie drew in hers.

My first drawing was a picture that I can never get out of my head. My first kill in the arena. The picture of me driving the knife into the tributes chest, so far that I can no longer feel or see it sickens me.

I really am a disgusting human being.

I fall asleep with the lamp still alight, my eagle necklace hanging out of my vest top, and my tattoo on show. My notepad and pencil lie on my thighs, still not closed.


When I wake, everything is different. My lamp is turned off, I'm tucked into my quilt, and my book is on the floor, closed, and the pencil beside it. Someone had been in here.

I sit up. And search the room. I don't know what I'm looking for, but it seems important that I do so.

Whoever was in here saw my drawing and tattoo. That's not good. I hope to God it wasn't Snow. I doubt it was, he wouldn't tuck me in like a sleeping child.

I open the curtains, and let the sun shine through. I can't let this bother me right now, I need to make sure that I act as normal as possible. I brush my hair, and change back into the clothes I left the capitol in yesterday. I stare at the mirror for a moment. My eyes are a little bloodshot, I clearly didn't get as much sleep as I thought.

When I open my door, Soldier Alexander is there, guarding the door.

"Have you been stood there all night?" He turns his head to look at me.

"I have" And turned back. I raise my eyebrows, and just walk past him. I know he's following me, I can see his reflection in the window. I don't turn around, I just keep walking.

Luckily, there was no one in the dining room when I entered. So I can help myself to whatever I want. Now who's the real winner here? But after two pieces of toast and a bacon sandwich, I'm about to leave when the president enters.

"Ah, good morning Lucinda" I roll my eyes.

"Hi. I'm going back to my room" I stand up to leave.

"No, not yet. I need to talk to you" I immediately swear in my head. He knows about my tattoo and notebook.

"What about?" I slowly sit back down. I feel sick. He gives me a disgusting smile.

"What is going to happen when we arrive in the next hour." I give a silent sigh. "As I've told you, you will not be embarking on the Victory Tour-"

"Yeah about that" He lets me continue "Can I go with them to District Eleven? Just to start them off?"

He looks at me with no emotion in his face. But he's thinking about it.

"Yes. Yes you can. As long as Soldier Alexander goes with you" Out of the corner of my eye, I see him take a large silent breath. I look at him for a few seconds, then look back at Snow.


"Good. Now, when Katniss and Peeta attend my Presidential party, you will be with me when I make my speech." Fantastic. Back in the public eye. Isn't that fun?

"Okay. Anything else?" I have no idea why I'm not being my usual snappy self, I guess being my usual self in Snow's presence is worthless, he gets what he wants anyway.

"Nothing. Soldier" My guard comes next to Snow's side.

"Yes sir?"

"That will be all Lucinda. Thank you" I stand up and leave. Finally. But having to talk to my guard alone worries me. Is he going to increase the protection? I bloody hope not.

But I don't care, not right now, and not while a comfortable bed awaits me for my final hour on board this cage.


When we do eventually arrive at District Twelve, we're surrounded by reporters. I've been instructed not to talk to them. To be honest I'm not in the mood to anyway. Snow leaves first. Then after a few hours, so do I.

With Soldier Alexander at my side, I head out of the train compartment, and into District Twelve.

At least, I think it is.

I didn't know that one side of the District was poorer than the other. I thought they all got treated together. I know they don't get much, but these guys look like they have nothing. From their torn shirts to having no shoes, they look starving, as though they haven't had food in days. They're begging.

Begging for something that I don't have the power to give them.

They try and reach for me, but other Peacekeepers have come to our aid, to stop them from attacking me. I don't see why, I'd be like them if it weren't for the Games.

A pull on my hair hauls me back. I grab onto Soldier Alexanders arm, and pull him back with me, and we both stumble. But I loose my grip, and I'm stuck in the front of the crowd.

People grab my hair, others try and rip off peices of my clothes to see how much they could get for it. The clothes I wear would be worth a fortune here.

I try and loosen their grip, but they seem pretty determined to get whatever they can. The civilian holding my hair loosens their grip. I look up, and Soldier Alexander comes for me.

He pulls me out of the crowd, and holds his arm around my waist.

"C'mon" He says gently down my ear. I hold the back of my head, and we move quickly away from the scene.

"Why were they like that? They're never like that when I come back" I ask, as our car drives away from the station.

"I don't know. They've been begging for a good few weeks now. They fought for the small fortune we gave them and lost."

I look back at the crowd, and I can't even describe it. It's chaos. It's like the first time I was ever taken to the Capitol, the crowd was fighting, amongst each other or against the peacekeepers I don't know, but no body looks like they're enjoying themselves.

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