Chapter Eleven

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When I return back to the apartment, Katniss is a little surprised at something. I don't ask what's the matter though. It's our first training session tomorrow, I think I might go and catch up with Beetee, see if he can tell me anymore about the plan. Hopefully he'll be able to, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

The uniform is a little different than the previous years, the color and the way it fits feels different. I tie my hair up in a ponytail, and head to breakfast with the others. 

"Morning" I yawn to everyone, as I take my seat. Soldier Alexander is stood by the wall. What a surprise. 

"I was just explaining to these two that they'll need to try and make some allies" Haymitch grumbles, clearly he's not succeeding. I nod my head eagerly

"Definitely. The sponsors'll go on for miles if their favorites are in an alliance. It'll also boost your odds of winning" I explain, and then take a swig of my orange juice. "It's just a good idea overall. Eugh has this got little bits in?" I lick the inside of my cheeks, and put down the glass.

"Well, who do you want?" Peeta asks, and there's a delay in the answer until I realize he's talking to me

"What?" But then I pull him a funny face "Are you saying you want me on your team?" He laughs, and shakes his head

"C'mon Luce, help me out here"

"Alright, well, I dunno, it's up to you" 

"Well wasn't that useful" He rolls his eyes 

"You're the one who asked"

"Five minutes until training Tributes, five minutes" A voice is projected, I assume, around all of the apartments. Better get some shoes on. Snatching Peeta's piece of toast he was about to put in his mouth, and speed walk towards my bedroom, of course, with my Guard in tow. 

The shoes we've been provided with could be a lot worse, but I'd prefer the old ones. I slip them on, and also put my Eagle necklace on, and tuck it under my top. I had to wake up early this morning so Cinna could edit the top so my tattoo couldn't be seen. It's such a pain, why did I decide to have one on my collarbone?!

When we head down to the training center, Soldier Alexander joins the Peacekeepers who will be overseeing the training. Great. Snow clearly wants him to take his job very seriously huh?

"Remember Katniss" Peeta says quietly, as we enter the training center "Today's about making allies"

 The sound of someone throwing up fills my eardrums. The male District 5 Tribute is sat in the center. Clearly the opening feast got the best of him. The room is close to empty, only the Careers are here, along with a few others.

"So far I'm not overwhelmed by our choices"

"Well we'll just see who we trust least and work our was backwards from there" 

I start walking before the other two. I already who to, and not to trust. Districts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The ones who know about the plan to escape the arena. Although we may not be going into the Games together, we've all agreed to give our lives to get Katniss out of there.

So yeah, everyone apart from the Careers. We can't risk it. The Careers are the ones who are favored by the Capitol, if they let slip, we're all dead.

"Luce" I hear someone say my name from beside me, they sound a little out of breath. Johanna is stood, wiping her forehead, before practicing swinging her axe again

"Hey" She starts swinging her axe again

"So, I introduced myself...kind of"

"Why what did you do?" I ask, twirling a knife in my hand. She makes a noise of determination, and slams her axe into the ground. She smirks at Katniss, who I'd just noticed was watching. She picks her weapon out of the ground, and smirked at me. I shake my head

"Oh God, forget it, I don't even wanna know" I laugh, and walk away, as she starts swinging it around again. Katniss is crouched down beside Beetee. That's a good sign, a very good sign. Peeta is sat with the District 6 morphling, I think he's talking to her. 

I wander around for a bit, and keep my eye on the other two. I don't want them getting into fights with the Careers or something stupid like that. Believe me, it's not a very good situation to be in. 

Katniss eventually leaves Beetee and heads over to Mags. Now's my chance to find out more. I lift my head at Beetee, and he understands. He says something to Wiress, and walks towards me.



We pretend to be talking about different poisons and poisonous foods, but what he does tell me, is that there's a force-field protecting the Gamemakers, something I didn't notice. Katniss is aware of it, which is the most important thing. But what he wants me to do is, during our private session with the Gamemakers, he wants me to blow up that force-field

"You what? You do realize I'm not as intelligent as you"

"Hold your horses I'm getting there" He shows me what I need to do, before explaining to me that during our interviews, everyone involved in the plan will try to convince them to stop the Games. Useless, but we have to try something.

 I practice with a few different weapons, before moving onto the things I'm use to, which if mainly the swords, daggers, and then my whip.  I practice a few times before I stop, and just take a look around. I walk past the Game-makers, and catch a few of their eyes, including Plutarch's, and spin my dagger between my fingers, and look away, to see why there's a crowd gathering over at the side of the center.

I shouldn't really be surprised when I see Katniss stood with her bow lowered, and her eyes scanning the crowd after clearly shooting some of the new targets. It's funny how most of these people are amazed by her skill, but Peeta and I just stand there smiling, knowing that this is the least she could do.

"Come on guys" I start to walk away "let's leave the girl to train by herself" 

I know they follow, because Finnick skips towards me, with a gin on his face and says "This is gonna be fun"  I can't help but laugh. 

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