Chapter Ten

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We're pushed onto the train with sheer force you'd think we were slaves, and as quick as we got on, the train left the station.

"I don't think I've ever been that rushed in my life" I complain, as we squeeze our way through the corridor. Haymitch just grunts, the rest keep moving. The four of us take a seat in silence, waiting for Effie to finish changing.

"Alright" Effie finally clears her throat, just as I'm about to go to my room.

"I'll be right back" I smile at her, and continue walking. "You've learned well" I laugh, as I pass Soldier Alexander, who was stood outside the room, and not beside me as always. He chuckles, but still follows me to my room.

I don't get changed out of my jumpsuit, there's no point really. I have no spare clothes on this train anyway. I sit on my bed for a moment. I was expecting it to be the same as it was last year, an ordinary reaping with ordinary people. Why the sudden change of plan? I don't understand.

When I come back, Effie is stood holding hands with both Katniss and Haymitch. I'm a little startled by her sudden affection, but I guess she understands the risks we must take now.

"Alright" She clears her throat, and they all let go.

"Isn't this cozy?" I smirk, and crouch down on the seat next to Katniss. "Right, let me explain a few of the changes that's gone on in the Capitol this year"

"And you would know these how?" Haymitch questions, gulping down an extra cup of whatever it is he's drinking.

"I may not be smart but I'm not deaf. Snow said a few things about a month ago when I was in the Capitol before the Victory Tour." I explain, and when he nods in satisfaction, Effie starts talking.

"Everything is going to be different, because it's a Quarter Quell. The Capitol has spared no expense. A new training center, new Tribute living quarters and of course, a very special arena"

"But this year" I interrupt "You'll be facing other victors, the capitol favorite's, smart, cunning and skilled. And we all know one another, in our eyes, you two are the outsiders."

We arrive at the Capitol in no time at all, and are taken directly up to our new living quarters. I feel too rushed. Clearly the Capitol wants us dead sooner than I thought.

It feels like we're rushing into things, because as soon as we arrive at the apartment, Haymitch pushes Katniss, Peeta and I into the lounge.

"Alright!" Haymitch begins, he stands on one side of the screen, I stand on the other, and Katniss and Peeta sit on the couch. "Let's introduce you to the Victors slash Tributes" He presses the remote, and a moving image of Cashmere and Gloss are in front of us "Cashmere and Gloss, brother ans sisters District One, they won back to back to Games, Capitol favorites lots of Sponsors, they will be lethal."

"And the other half of the Career pack Brutus and Enobaria"

"What's with her teeth?" Katniss looks stunned

"She had them filed into fangs so she could rip peoples throats out" He explains simply

"She's committed I'll give her that" Peeta jokes, I snort at his remark.

"Wiress and Beetee. Not fighters, but brilliant, real tech-savage. He won his games by electrocuting six Tributes at once" That reminds me, I need to go and see him, make sure I know the full details of the plan for the arena.

"The morphing's. Masters of camouflage, basically won their Games by hiding until everyone else was dead. Self meditating ever since, which I applaud. Not a threat"

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