Chapter Six

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My letter made it to Haymitch and the others okay. I know they got it, Katniss and Peeta have improved quite a bit. Well, when I say quite a bit I mean not that much,

The last two Districts were the worse.They were fighting and desperate for Katniss to tell them what she really thinks, but of course, she just reads off the cards. Just like Effie and Haymitch told her.

It's the day of the Presidential Party. Hooray for me. I stretch, but pull the covers closer. I'm not getting out of bed yet, it's way too early. Although it's lunch time, no-body had come to collect me, guess Snow doesn't care if I eat or not. I still haven't seen Soldier Alexander since the train. I wonder where he's gone. Not like I care, but he isn't exactly doing his job properly is he?

I roll onto my stomach, and reach for the silver remote control on the table beside me, and turn on the screen. Katniss and Peeta should be in the Capitol by now, probably getting ready for the party. They should have had their interview with Caesar Flickerman by now. I wonder how much they've improved.

"Have surprised us, with a new twist in their love affair-" I take a sip of my tea that one of the maids brought me earlier. I wonder what they've done this time.

"-Let's take a look" He motions to the screen behind him, where a video of Katniss, Peeta and Caesar appear for us to watch. I frown, as Peeta starts talking to the audience, smiling, and then turns to Katniss. I wonder what he's up to.

But my questions are soon answered when Peeta gets down on one knee... wait- he pulls a small box out of his pocket, and presents it to Katniss.

I drop my cup on my lap, and the burning hot tea sizzles as it burns into my skin. I let out a scream of pain. I feel angry. Very angry. This was too much, there's no way that this is going to convince Snow, no way on earth. It may convince the Capitol, but it won't convince the Districts, and Snow knows that. But I don't know why I feel so angry, It's just that, I know Katniss doesn't love Peeta the way he loves her. I feel offended that she's using him to save herself.

Many people burst into my room. Some of whom I know, some I don't. But what I do know, is that they heard my scream, and thought there was something wrong. All apart from two panic, and ask if I'm okay. The woman who's been my healer since my first Games had begun, the woman who was the first to inform me about the Rioting Districts at the end of the Games last year, and Soldier Alexander.

"Lucinda, are you okay?" Everyone continued to ask.

"I'm fine!" I shout at them "Just get me ready for this party" I didn't say it nicely, and I never intended for it, it was a complete and utter demand.

So without another word, they all rush away to get my things together for the party. I throw the cover off me, walk into the bathroom, and lock the door behind me. Taking a large sigh, I brush my teeth, wash my face and brush my hair. But then I look in the mirror, the small scars on my face from the games look a little worse than they did before, and my eyes look like they're about to give up any second, nothing a little make up can't fix. Make up that I hate wearing.

"Has your stylist given you anything to wear Lucinda?" Someone asks through the door.

"I don't have a certain stylist. I share Katniss's" I answer, leaning over the sink. I haven't eaten all day, and I feel like I'm about to throw up, and I'm very very dizzy.

When I look up, someone is standing behind me, but that's impossible, I locked the door behind me! I take a proper look at this person, and find it's Cato's brother, blood pouring out of his mouth, and his face full of anger. I gasp, and fall backwards, knocking a few things over, making them fall to the ground with a crash. Struggling to stand up, I crawl into the corner of the room, and try and get rid of the image in my head. He's dead, it's not real. It can't be real. I shake my head, and squeeze my hands over my ears, but I don't scream, I don't want any more attention than I've already got. I jump up, and wash my face again, the boy has gone. Taking a huge sigh, I dry myself, and go back into the bedroom.

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