Chapter Twenty Two

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We move through the jungle for what feels like hours. I feel as though I've walked my feet off. You'd think I'd be use to hiking... Nope. I hate it. Absolutely hate it.

"Luce, you watch out back" They'd ordered. Just like I ordered beef stew and it didn't come. Not a good time.

The anthem begins to boom around the arena, so we all come to a stop, and stare at the sky. Two Tributes didn't know personally, the District Five female, she must have been the one in the tidal wave. The Morphling from District Three, the one who gave her life the the Rebellion, for Peeta. As soon as Mags and Wiress face appear, it strikes me like a spear in the heart. Cashmere and Gloss shine up there too.

Six in one day. It's crazy to think Mags died today. It feels like a lifetime ago. But still, we carry on in silence, as though none of us wants to show any emotion.

Once we reach the lightning tree, I stand to the side of everyone else, as Beetee says something about the tree being a good conductor... whatever that means.

Finnick and I hold back, and speak with our eyes. I give him a look, and he shakes his head gently. So I give him another, he thinks about it, then nods, and we both walk after the others. We all move around Beetee, just in case we're attacked by the Careers, but if Beete's plan goes accordingly, that shouldn't happen.

"You two girls go together now" Beetee uncoils his wire, and rolls it out to Katniss and Johanna, "Take this, unspoiled it carefully, and make sure the whole coil is in the water you understand? Then head to the tree in the two o'clock sector. We'll meet you there" And he gets back to work.

"I'm gonna go with them as a guard" Peeta pipes up. This is it. They both want to break the alliance. I should have known they were going to sooner or later.

"No" Beetee says abruptly "No, no, no, no you're staying here to protect me" His eyes flicker over to mine, and then back at Peeta "and the tree"

"No, I need to go with her" He insists

"There are two Careers out there, I need two guards."

"You have Luce"

"I'll be helping Beetee out with the tree" I lie.

"Well Finnick can protect you just fine on his own"

"Yeah, why can't Finnick and Johanna stay with you and Peeta and I'll take the coil" Katniss asks. They know something's going on. I look at Johanna, she looks very peeved off right now.

"You all agreed to keep me alive until midnight correct?" I nod my head

"It's his plan we all agreed to it" Johanna spits at Katniss

"Is there a problem here?" Finnick finally joins in.

Katniss looks to me in desperation, but I can't do anything, instead, I just shake my head gently at her. "No" She sighs "There's no problem" She walks towards Peeta, and plants her lips onto his. I look away, and tense up a little. She loves him. I can see that now. If only I'd seen that sooner.

"I'll see you at midnight" She whispers to him, and turns around.She looks at me, gives a gently smile, and a small nod, before walking off into the trees with Johanna. I don't watch her walk away. I can't.

"Luce come over here" Beetee calls me over. I step towards him, and balance on the balls of my feet "act like you're doing something" He whispers carefully to me. So that's what I do, I pretend to make sure the wire is connected tightly enough to the tree.

"I think we have a force jamming the wire" Beetee looks up from his glasses at me "Go and check for me?" I nod, and stand up. This is it. This is the part Beetee wants me play in his plan.

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