She is my business!!

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It's finally Monday, the day everyone hates.

Is it weird that I am actually happy about moving to boarding. You can't blame me, I have always lived with my parents.

I will be free!!!!

Okay, that came out wrong, I know there's a saying that goes 'Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better"  by Albert Camus.

So, I'm sitting in class right now thinking about my life while biology teacher is explaining something about cells.

Then, a jotter was passed to me. The jotter is a wedding jotter,the bride and groom is on the first cover.........

"What" I asked Ade.

"Read it" He pointed to the jotter.

"Why are you thinking" I saw with an handwriting that wasn't fine.

I guess not all fine boys have beautiful handwriting, come to think of it David is still finer than Ade.

"Why are you comparing him to David"I asked myself before I could reply, someone touched me.

"What" I asked Ade.
"You are doing it again" He whispered.

"I wasn't thinking" I wrote it in his jotter and passed it to him.

"What's on your mind" I read it in his jotter.

"Nothing much, are you also going to boarding" I wrote it and passed to him.

"Yes, are you?" I read from the jotter.

"Obviously, that's why I asked" I wrote and passed it to him. He smiled as he was writing something in his jotter.

"I'm glad, I won't be lonely" I read and laughed quietly.

"You have Nifemi" I wrote it and passed it to him.

"I want to get to know you more, we haven't really talked since I got here" I read from the jotter and smiled.

I whispered " Yeah, I noticed too".
I quickly changed my position when I saw biology teacher walking towards us.

Immediately, I changed my position and placed my hands on my chin and pretended as if I was thinking.

She turned and walked back  to the front of the class to continue teaching.

Finally, I heard the sound of the bell. Thank God we have a free period.

I placed my head on my desk to sleep, only for me to be tapped by someone.

"What" I said as I raised my head, only for me to see Kunle.

Let me tell something about Kunle.

Kunle has been my classmate since SS 1, the day he first came to this school, he bumped into someone has I was about to walk pass him. The person left without apologising and as a good person that I am or I was, I helped him arrange his books that were scattered on the floor. And I also helped him arrange his books in his locker, I was basically his first friend in this school.

Only for this guy to think I like him, he asked me to be his girlfriend.

"What do you want " I asked as I frowned, the guy is not getting the message.

"Do you want me to leave" He smiled mischievously.

"Yes" I raised my voice and some people looked at me.

"Everyone, Tiishe finally agreed to be my girlfriend" He announced to the whole class.


MY INNER GIRL {ONGOING}Where stories live. Discover now