Owanbe party

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We introduce the newest couple in town; Lee Min ti
You may now kiss the bride.

"Tiishe wake up" I heard my name.

It is when you have a good dream that is when someone will wake you up quickly.

She did not allow me to even finish my wedding with Lee min ho sef, my new name will now be Lee min ti ('ti' from 'Tiishe' ) .

"Good morning ma" I greeted my mom as I knelt down.

"Good morning, we will soon go to the party, go and take your bath" she stated.

"But, mummy it is still early, we are not the ones that will sweep the place " I complained.

"We are not going now, I am just telling you to freshen, we still have a lot of things to do before we go" she said.

"Okay ma" I said and got up.

After  all the Saturday chores which consist of sweeping and mopping, washing the toilets, trimming the flowers.

I know it's a lot of work.

"Darasimi, we will go in the next thirty minutes" my mom shouted from the kitchen.

"Okay ma" I said and went to my room.

I searched for pepper red gown and I finally one.

It is an off shoulder lace design , it got below my knee length and fitted me perfectly. I took my silver purse with my phone and went downstairs to meet my mummy.

She wore a red  lace material ero and buba with silver gele and silver heels.

"Your dad will be joining us there" she announced.

"But, you said it is mummy Ajoke's brother-in-law sister niece "I asked.

" He knows the groom's father" she answered

"Ohh okay, so you will join the bride's family and daddy will join the groom's family " I asked .

"We will all join groom's family, ejo e ti poju (you are talking too much) " She stated.

"Let's go" She announced and carried her bag.

She entered and ignited the Rav 4 sports car.

I walked towards the big iron gate.

I still don't know why we don't have a gateman .

I locked the gate with a padlock and entered the car.

Duduke by Simi was played in the car and I moved my body to the rhythm of the music as we moved towards the church.


"Dad, they will be at the party today " My son told me as he walked into my room.

We have been leaving together ever since the day my wife ..................


" Dear, do you really have to go" i asked her sadly as she carried her bags.

"You know I have to, this is really important, we will be able to pay for Junior's school fees " She told me.

I held her hands and turned to look at her and said "I know but i have a feeling something will happen".

"Nothing will happen, let me quickly go " she said and hugged me and left the house.

I just have to pray all will be well" I said to myself.
I walked to the sitting room and switched on the television to watch a football match.

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