First day

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"Mummy please have you seen the iron" I yelled from my room.

"It's on my head, shey mo maa ba e lo (Do we use it together?) She said.

" But, mummy you used it yesterday night" I shouted.

"I used a different one, it's the first day of resumption and you have started your rubbish, I give you twenty minutes, if you are not downstairs by then, you will trek to school, you knew you will resume school since last week, you couldn't iron your school uniform, lazy girl" She stated.

"Mummy naaa " I said.

I'm sure you are confused, Let me explain it to you.

Today is my first day in school as an SS3 student in the prestigious Glory Hills HighSchool, my principal always says it's the best school in Lagos.

I don't know sef.

I know most people are not usually excited about going to school but I want to see Tomi my best friend,I haven't been able to seen her since the beginning of summer vacation because she travelled to Florida,she is enjoying oo, she has always wanted to go to Florida and I am happy for her shaa.

"Tiishe,I have missed you" my best friend Tamilore said as she came to hug me. I rolled my eye as I was engulfed in a hug.
"But,you saw me last week when we went to Ikeja City Mall together"I responded.

" Can't I miss my best friend"she asked as she feigned hurt.
"Okay,I missed you too my bestie".I said and smiled.

"So when will I hear the full gist about what happened during summer vacation" I said.
"Don't worry,during lunch break"She told me.
"Let's go to our class" I said .

Ohhh, let me save you the stress,the story about the beautiful damsel you are reading about now goes by the name Tiishe Davidson.
I am fifteen years old. I live in Ikeja with my parents, I'm the only child and it tends to get boring at home. I have three amazing friends, Tomilola, Tamilore and David we have been together since our pampers days.

I'm just joking, since our primary school days.

Hmmmmmmmm, my friends have been with me through thick and thin, I don't know what that means but they are really good friends.

David, the only guy in our midst, he confessed his feelings to me last term but I told him that it's better we concentrate on our studies and that he will forever remain my best friend and who knows, maybe boyfriend.
  And he totally understands it.

"Tiishe,are you not going again"Tamilore said as she was walking away.
" Wait for me"I shouted and followed her.

We put our bags in our class and walked to the school hall where morning assembly was to be conducted.

As a prefect(health prefect to be precise),I coordinated my juniors and cautioned them to stop making noise.

"Welcome back to school our old students and to our new students welcome to Glory Hills I hope you have an amazing time in this school. To the SS3 students I hope you all know that this is not the time to play or look for future partners,you have many exams ahead of you so put God first in everything and always read your book".

My principal Mr Shina said.
" As for the SSS2 students..."he continued.
This man has been talking for the past ten minutes,like seriously we get the point, he should quickly finish I have not done my Geography holiday assignment (don't judge me I am not very hardworking).
"SS3 students give us a marching song" Mr Shina said.

Finally I can go to my class.
"You cannot march abi,just because you are in SS3 you are growing wings"My annoying civic teacher shouted.
"It is not only wings we will grow,we will also grow feather"I muttered.

The man always frustrates students, he wants to win the most disciplined teacher at the end of the term.

On my way to class I met one of my classmates,we are not close friends but she is my gist partner.

" Tolu my gist partner for life,how are you".

"Tiishe I am fine ooo,we will talk later let us quickly get to class before Mr Dayo(my annoying Civic Education teacher) punishes us". Tolu said.

" So you no get liver(scared),you are scared of that man that is forming disciplinarian,he should better go and sit down in one place"I responded.

"Sha let us go" she said.
"OK ooo" I said.

When I got to class while I was copying Geography assignment,Tamilore ran like a mad woman into the class searching for me.

"Why are you running as if you are being chased by someone" I asked her. She stood at the front of my table trying to catch her breath.
"I just saw someone you know" she said.
"Who" I asked her.
"Our new classmate" she answered.
"How can the school admit someone to SS3 class,this is Nigerian oo,I am not ready for this on the first day of resumption, biko commot from here(please leave this place).

" I know you will not believe me that is why I did not want to tell me before"she said.
"It is not that I do not believe you but it is not possible, you said I might know the person" I asked her.

"Don't worry,you will soon see the person".
Hi guys
Thank you once again for choosing My Inner Girl. I promise you,you will enjoy this book. I promise to always update every week.
#Stay Safe
#Stay healthy
God bless

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