Chapter 32: Try New Things

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Alex waited nervously, alone and sitting at a park bench not far off from Ponyville. He fidgeted nervously; he had no idea how to say what he wanted to say. He knew what he wanted to say, but considering how things went the first time around, he didn't expect this time to be all that better.

Finally, after what felt like a silent eternity, Rainbow Dash came in for a landing. He managed a smile at her, and she responded with an awkward nod.

"Hey. Uh, you wanted to see me?" She asked.

"Yeah. Have a seat, please..." He invited her, tapping his hoof on the bench. She hesitantly eyed the empty seat, but joined him, sitting with some distance between them.

"What's up?"

"I...wanted to talk to you know, what you told me before."

"You do?"

", there was something I needed to say too."

"I guess."

"'s really hard for me to talk about this so just bare with me..." Alex said, taking a sigh.

"Take your time." Rainbow Dash said, keeping her tone neutral. Alex nodded, finally mustering up his words.

"When you told me that I liked you, it was really complicated how I felt, because I... I do like you too."

"You do...?" Rainbow Dash asked, somewhat unsure whether to believe him or not.

"Yeah, I just... you remember Brianna, that girl we ran into at the movie theatre that I said we had that whole falling out thing?"

"I do."

"Well, my previous relationships have all pretty much ended more or less that way, at the very least I've been cheated on in all of them." Alex admitted.

"Really?" Rainbow Dash repeated, cringing a bit.

"Yeah... So, the reason I sort of diffused it is that I just don't want things to turn out like that again, not that I expect you to, I just... I don't know man. I just felt you should at least know why." Alex finally concluded.

"I understand, I understand now," Rainbow Dash said quietly. "I wouldn't do that to you though." She added.

"Maybe. You might feel that way now, but there's gotta be something wrong with me if it keeps happening." Alex said in a low tone.

"No, I don't think that's it." Rainbow Dash said quickly. Alex just scoffed and shook his head.

"I don't know."

"I think... I think I still want at least a chance." She said.


"Yeah. I'm not gonna cheat on you, that's for sure. I've never liked anypony else before."

"And you want me to trust that. Can I trust you to be loyal? To put up with me in moments where I'm low and questioning everything?" Alex asked outright.

"Yes." Rainbow Dash answered with no hesitation.

"Oh..." Alex stuttered, thrown off by how quickly and how confidently she answered him; he was sure that she would've at least hesitated, or said that she would simply try.

"Loyalty is kind of my thing, Alex. Ask anypony. I can handle them, I can handle you too."

"I... Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why me?"

"Well... I've never met anypony like you. We're a lot alike in a lot of ways,'re really cool. Plus, you did so much to help us when we needed it, so I know you fit right in with us." She explained.

"I see... That's fair. How long has this been on your mind?" Alex asked curiously.

"A little bit before Twilight and the others came, I told Fluttershy about it. It sort of just...happened, you know?"

"Yeah, I know how that is." Alex said with a small chuckle.

"And...what about me? Why do you like me?"

"Well you know, you're pretty cute. You're also pretty competitive and cool too, you're funny, just fun to be around." Alex explained. Rainbow Dash blushed at this.


"What?" Alex asked, catching this.

"Uh, well, I've never been called cute before." Rainbow Dash admitted, blushing with embarrassment.

"Seriously?" Alex asked. She shook her head.

"Never. I mean, other than my parents, but they don't exactly count." She said.

"Yeah, parents are supposed to say that." Alex said. They chuckled a bit at this. With the mood a little lighter now, they both had small smiles.

"So...can we try it?" Rainbow Dash asked. Alex paused for a bit, and then nodded.

"Sure. I think we can." He agreed.

"Okay." She said with a smile, scooting over to him and hugging him.

Alex flinched a little bit in surprise. He turned to look down at her, and saw the happiness on her face as she held him. He brought his arms around her as well, letting her rest against him, which tightened her grip. It was the closest he'd ever been with someone else in a long time.

"I've never dated a pony before, so I'm sure it will be more interesting at the very least." He said with a chuckle as they let go of each other.

"And I've never dater a human before, so right back at ya." Rainbow Dash giggled a bit.

"True. I'm not really like other humans though, so I might be a bad frame of reference when it comes to representing all of them, or even some of them, if we're being honest here." He said with a strange chuckle.

"Same. Because I'm way cooler than most ponies." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"Same here with humans, except not really." Alex replied.

"Oh, come on, you're cool too."

"Ehhh." Alex made a high-pitched noise that represented his disagreeing with her.

"Well, you sing pretty well, for one. That's cool." She pointed out.

"I mean, I'm alright." He said modestly.

"Alright doesn't describe it, dude. Rarity and Fluttershy have been talking about inviting you to join the Pony Tones group. That's huge!" She brought up.

"Yeah I mean...true." Alex agreed.

"Mhmm. And when you go to their practice, they're gonna ask you again. You'll see." Rainbow Dash said with a slightly challenging tone.

"I guess we will. Maybe I'll even say yes if they do."

"You better." Rainbow Dash tapped him.

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