Chapter 7: Forest Trail

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"I'm not sure how else to put this... I feel guilty over what happened. I won't bother saying what happened again since you already know all the details, but... I'll just come right out and say it, every time I think about it I get this sinking feeling. Do you know what I mean?"

Discord looked across Fluttershy's living room to Angel Bunny, who simply ignored him and ate his carrot. He growled in frustration, standing up.

"Urgh, no! That's not right at all! You're supposed to make me feel better! That's what Fluttershy would do! At least say something!" Discord shouted. Angel Bunny responded by chucking a portion of his carrot at him. Discord's face went stoic as it bounced off of him.

"This isn't working."

Another morning came upon the stranded trio. Fluttershy, as usual, was the first to wake up and freshen herself up, being sure to stay quiet so as not to disturb the others. She showered and dressed herself the best she could manage with her unfamiliar hands.

As she did so, she began to ponder over everything that had happened the past few short days, as the others were no doubt doing also. So much had happened in such a short period of time, and it was no really beginning to impress on Fluttershy just how uncertain their situation really was.

She decided not to let doubts overtake her, and just hope that Twilight and the others would come as soon as she'd told Alex they would.

She came out of the bathroom. To her surprise, Alex was already in the kitchen making a modest breakfast for himself, dressed in a shirt with no sleeves and shorts. He had his earbuds in his ear, so she had to get his attention first before greeting him.

"Good morning, Alex." She said. He removed an earbud and nodded.

"Morning, Fluttershy. Did you sleep alright?" He asked.

"I did, thank you."

"Are you an early riser? You seem to be the first one up again." Alex asked.

"I am," Fluttershy nodded. "I have some roosters back home, so I'm used to them being my alarm in the morning." She said with a giggle. Alex nodded.

"Huh, cool. Well, I'm just making something light since I got groceries today." He said. Fluttershy noticed about then that Alex had his shoes on.

"Are you leaving now?" She asked curiously.

"For the groceries? No. I'm just going out on a walk. It's my exercise for off days." Alex explained.

"Ohh. Would it be alright if I came with you?" Fluttershy asked.

"You want to come with me?" Alex asked in return, looking surprised by this. Fluttershy immediately tried to retract her request.

"I mean, I don't mean to try to push myself onto you. Sorry, it's alright." She said shyly. Alex paused briefly.

"No, it's alright. You can come." He said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, sure." Alex nodded.

"Do you wanna circle the park, or take the forest trail?" Alex offered once they had walked outside. Fluttershy quickly made her choice.

"The forest trail. That sounds nice." She said with a smile. Alex nodded, offering his arm to her.

"Stick your hand through." He said. She did so, and they walked with arms linked where he led her.

"Why are we walking like this?" She asked curiously.

"Just precautionary. Sometimes there's weird people out here in the mornings. Just 'til we get to the trail." He said, loosening his arm some.

"Okay. It's alright, I was just wondering." She said.

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