Chapter 5: Suspicious

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Alex stood up curiously, looking at the three girls, who stared back at him with blank, clueless expressions. He leaned out the door of his odd vehicle.

"Something wrong?" He asked them.

"Is...that some kind of chariot with four wheels?" Rarity asked.

"Uh, chariot? Ya'll've never seen a car before?" Alex asked in disbelief as he stepped around his black Toyota Camry. He opened the doors for them.

"Car?" Rainbow Dash repeated, staring at the car and clearly at a loss.

"Okay. Come along, girls. Ya'll take your seats inside," Alex said, suddenly feeling very out of place as he escorted them all into his car.

"Close your doors," He instructed them, plopping into the driver's seat. He shut his door, and the others imitated him, taking their seats. Rarity took the passenger seat, while the other two sat in the back.

"Seatbelts on like so," Alex demonstrated putting his seatbelt on, and again, the girls did as he did. Alex nodded when they had all strapped themselves in.

"Alright. Hold on. Here we go." Alex said, starting the car. The engine turned and revved to life, making all three of them jolt fearfully.

"Eek! It's angry!" Fluttershy shrieked.

"How does this thing move, dear?" Rarity asked, her body stiffening and her hands instinctively grabbing on tightly to anything she could get a hold of.

"On its own. I just steer it." Alex answered, shifting gears and pulling out of his parking spot in reverse.

All three of the girls freaked out yet again as the car began to move at Alex's direction. They clung fearfully to the doors of the car. Alex cleared his throat.

"Just relax. I got ya'll." Alex said to them, pulling forward into the street just like he had a million times before.

"Sorry, darling. We've never been in anything like this before." Rarity responded to him. He nodded.

"I can see that. It's alright." Alex said.

"Does everypony have one of these things?" Fluttershy asked, observing all the other different cars around them.

"Just about. It's kind of a necessity."

"Are these things safe?" Rainbow Dash asked a little wearily.

"Depends on whose driving. With me, you'll be fine." Alex answered.

"Forgive us, darling, if we ask a lot of questions. We aren't from anywhere around here." Rarity disclosed.

"Yeah, she was saying that earlier," Alex said, pointing back towards Fluttershy. "I understand. I'll try and answer any and all questions that you got." Alex said.

"Thanks." Rainbow Dash said.

"So! Ya'll are 'Equestrians', huh? Where is that exactly?" Alex asked them.

All three girls froze up again, hesitant to answer. They all exchanged some quick unhelpful glances, for they were still at a loss for how to answer him without overwhelming him with the hard to believe truth.

However, before anyone could even try to begin, another car cut in front of Alex abruptly, forcing him to hit the brakes roughly. All three girls shrieked in shock.

"Jesus, dude! What are you doing?! Does this look like the 500 to you?!" Alex shouted, slamming his hand down on the car horn as the car came to a stop.

"Is everyone alright?" Alex asked once he had calmed down.

"Yeah, yes, I'm alright." Rarity nodded, adjusting her hair.

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