Chapter 27: Tour of the World

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"You know, it's a good thing I trust ya'll, because otherwise you would not catch me dead out here, the police eventually would." Evan said as he, Alex, Starlight, Twilight, and the others all made their way into the woods where this had all began.

"Don't be so dramatic. It isn't that far." Rainbow Dash said with a chuckle.

"I'm a little nervous." Alex admitted with a chuckle.

"Why?" Starlight asked curiously.

"First time on another planet, you know? Just pre-travel jitters." Alex answered with an odd chuckle. The 9 of them stopped.

"Alright, this is the spot. Ready, Starlight?" Twilight asked. Starlight nodded.

"Ooh! This is so exciting! I can't wait!" Pinkie exclaimed excitedly. The girls all chuckled, and the 9 of them stood in a circle.

"Alright, guys. Here we go." Starlight said with a nod.

As Starlight and Twilight charged up the spell, Fluttershy took Evan's hand gently in hers. Rainbow Dash, seeing this, glanced to Alex standing next to her, and did the same. Alex looked down at her, his expression revealing no change, but he held her hand.

The portal opened beneath their feet, and in they went...

They appeared out the other side in the map room of Twilight's castle, all in pony forms. Immediately, all eyes went to Alex and Evan as they began to inspect their earth pony bodies.

Evan looked much like himself already, with a light brown coat and dark brown curly thick hair that formed an afro. His tail was short and bushy, and his cutie mark showed a wavy piano keyboard.

Alex on the other hand had a darker blue coat with a longer black mane that divided like spikes, drooping around the back of his neck and slightly over his eyes. His tail was similarly long and wavy, with light brown eyes and two connected quarter notes for his cutie mark.

"Woah dude, this is weird already." Evan grunted a bit as he stretched his new limbs out.

"I have muscles in places I didn't have muscles before." Alex said, shuddering a bit. The girls simply chuckled, watching this all play out.

"How are you supposed to move around like this?" Evan asked.

"It's easy! Just one hoof in front of the other behind the other at the same time as the first one!" Pinkie Pie answered.

"Thanks, Pinkie..." Alex said with some sarcasm, moving a hood forward. "Hold on, shut up. I'mma figure this out."

"We didn't say anything." Fluttershy said with a small laugh.

As Alex slowly and uncertainly slid his hooves forward one at a time, he began to feel out a comfortable walking pattern, and began to trot forward. As he did so, Evan observed, and started to do the same. Before long, they had it figured out.

"Ay, look at me! I'm a walking pony! Check it out man, I'mma goooo left!" Alex said, changing directions and continuing onwards.

"Haha, good to see you adjusting so quickly." Twilight said with a smile.

"I guess once you get over the weirdness, it isn't actually all that different, just with four legs...?" Evan said. The girls nodded.

"Yeah, that's about right." Applejack agreed.

"It sure feels that way, doesn't it?" Starlight nodded.

"So, on with the tour of the world?" Alex asked with an excited smile.

"Sure." Twilight said with a smile.

"Ooh, can I show Evan my house?" Fluttershy asked quickly.

"Sure." Twilight nodded.

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