Chapter 13: Appearances

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"Mhmm...listen, I am really sorry that this all happened. I won't take them over there again. We'll figure this out. I'll-I'll-I'll talk to your Mom too, we can approach her together and just lay it all out." Alex suggested, rubbing his forehead anxiously.

"That's about the best we can manage. Considering how things looked, she might take more drastic measures if we don't calm her down, and you don't wanna see what that looks like." Evan said.

"No no no I know, I know. Jeez man, uh... On Wednesday, when we meet up, we'll take her to that Taco Bell across the street, and work everything out then. I'll take the responsibility for this mess." Alex promised.

"We'll figure it out... Listen man, I gotta go now. We'll talk later." Evan said.

"Yeah, okay. Bye now." Alex said, hanging up the phone. He began to rub his eyes, sitting on the bed.

Fluttershy peeked her head inside, knocking on the door. She had already changed into her pajamas, since it was coming up on the later hours of the night. Alex gestured for her to come in. She inched into the room, her arms folded in front of her.

"Was that Evan just now?" She asked softly.

"Yeah. Come in, sit down." Alex said, sliding to one side of the bed. She sat down next to him.

"How is he doing?" She asked.

"Well, he's been better, as you can expect. He's on lockdown for now until we meet tomorrow night to talk all of this out. I'll explain everything to her, and it should hopefully be okay after that." Alex said.

"I'm really worried about him, and I feel really bad. It's our fault he's in trouble now." Fluttershy said, shaking her head.

"It's not ya'll's fault, Fluttershy. It's mine. I was the one that sent you guys over to him." Alex said with a sigh, readjusting how he was sitting.

"You didn't have a choice. We wouldn't have been able to handle ourselves as we are if we had stayed." Fluttershy said, defending him.

"Yeah, and you didn't have a choice either for that same reason. So it's not about blame, now we just gotta sort this misunderstanding out." Alex said. Fluttershy nodded.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Please, let me know how that goes."

"Yeah, don't worry, I will." Alex said, nodding slowly. Fluttershy began to peer at him closer.

"You still don't look too good, Alex. You should probably sleep some more." Fluttershy suggested. Alex shook his head in response.

"If I go to sleep now, my sleep schedule will be all sorts of messed up. I just need to fight for a few more hours, so I can sleep and wake up at semi-normal times." Alex explained.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"This isn't my first time having to do this 'cause of my job. I'll be fine." Alex said, doing his best to sound reassuring while rubbing his tired eyes again.

"Okay." Fluttershy said, getting up and going back to the living room.

Alex sighed, looking back down at the ground again. He was unsure of how he was going to sort things out with Evan's Mom; he had no clue what he was going to say to her, but he knew that if he didn't, both he and Evan could end up in trouble more serious than what he could imagine.

Alex got up, coming out into the living room, where the three of them were all sitting down watching the news on TV. Their expressions were all neutral as they watched silently and attentively. There was a story on regarding a fatal car accident that had occurred hours earlier.

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