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Who loves Tattoos here?

Since I was a free man-woman, I set out to complete my task for the Carol Night and that was turning Savannah into the most unforgettable act.

Diego was my partner in crime so we met up by the auditorium and hunted down the star of the evening, pulling her into one of the more secluded areas in the school.

Some girls gave us looks.

Definitely this was going to be fodder for gossip, but things were more pressing than the erotic mentality of a teenage mind. So we settled, sitting in a circle, under one of the larger trees at the end of the school grounds.

She was fidgeting, "Those girls..."

"Will soon fall in love with your voice." I completed, pulling out a notepad and taking a pen from Diego.

"Operation Make Savannah a celebrity is a go!" I said with all form of seriousness. "Step one is planning."

Diego nodded, giving Yoda vibes, "First, what are you singing?"

"Oh Holy Night." She mumbled, picking at the hem of her skirt.

"Can you pick something more contemporary?" He suggested, looking to me for approval, "Because it'll be easier for people to relate."

I nodded, "True... but if she picks something contemporary, then people might sing along and the purpose will be defeated."

Savannah shrugged, "I don't sing contemporary well."

We both looked at her, "Why? How?"

"My voice isn't good for it... sounds too... opera-like."

We hummed in unison. It was true. It was like hearing Diana Diamru or  something. I could almost imagine her singing 'Motorsport.'

I shivered.

"Okay, song is 'Oh Holy Night'" I said, jotting it down on an empty page, "Next, when will you practice?"

Diego said, "She can do it outside the school. We have like two Saturdays before the actual date and we'll do a dress rehearsal before..."

He stopped and I looked up from what I was writing, "What?"

"Dress! What in the devil will she wear?"

I looked at Savannah, taking in her glasses and librarian chic style, "Something comfortable at the very least. We don't need her style to change. We need to enhance it."


"I have some dresses at home that I can try." She said more confident now.

"No, we need something... WOW!" Diego exclaimed, rubbing his chin. "Hey Tate, let's make her something."

I stared at him like he'd told me that Emma Watson was from Peru, "Make her a dress?!"

"Yeah. It'll be new... chic and not to mention exactly what we want."

It was making sense... except for one detail, "Who will make it and where?"

Diego pouted, thinking seriously about it. He was saved, however, from combustion when Savannah spoke up, "I sew."

We gave her matching glares, "Why didn't you say so before?!"

"Because I don't do it well!" She said, pushing up her glasses.

We huffed and went back to the mental drawing board. Savannah saved us again, "Why don't we buy a white dress and dye it?"

"That is the best idea I've heard all morning!" Diego exclaimed, grabbing her hands in his, "Gracias."

To the Real YouUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum