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Agent Riot: H-004
-Entry Log # 161-

All my other entries in this journal are about monsters and items of pure insanity that I must constantly adapt to and survive, but... there are a few that catch me off guard. Some are bad, but others are nice. That is the case for this entity: a small orange slime that did more than lower my guard. It put a smile on my face.


Olivia and I are on our way to a farm out in the wilds of Canada—a place where people are rare and towns are more irregular. However, the abundance of life is astonishing. Pine trees as tall as three-story buildings line the side of the road like walls of wood and leaves. On occasion, a group of birds flies in an arrow formation over the wall of trees. Olivia, with her eyes on the trees, tells me every time she sees animals like deer or even bears.

This is the first time she is back with me ever since her injuries with the red hounds, so her excitement is justified. Even if the chances are we come across a deadly beast. To be honest, I can agree with her excitement because I would rather be out here than on one of those medical beds.

We have been on the road for two days after being flown for the majority of the journey. Neither of us has said much to the other except for the occasional question like 'Want me to drive' or 'Need anything before I rest?'. But as we are getting closer to our destination, the urge to talk seems to always emerge in Olivia.

Olivia: "Hey, you never really told me how your missions went without me. Did you find any trouble?"

This is a question I was expecting really and one I have certainly prepared for.

Riot: "As a matter of fact, most of them went smoothly. I mean, most of the entities were just inanimate objects, but there was one, a Kumiho who managed to trick my sight but not my other senses. I believe her number is SCP-953, and trust me, she is deadly. She killed two hunters that were with me."

Olivia: "Wow... she must have been a little difficult to beat."

Riot: "Not really. She was too overconfident in her abilities."

Olivia: "So umm... I... heard things from... the female staff, and... some are saying that you..."

At this point, I can see her fidgeting with her hands and looking a little embarrassed.

Riot: "Saying that I?"

Olivia: "Well... that they..."

She could not help but cough as she continues.

Olivia: "... Found your DNA... in SCP-953..."

This is a surprise. Out of all the other ideas formulating in my head, that is the last one I could have thought of. Sensing the severity of that statement, I decided to play it off as nothing.

Riot: "Well, she did manage to give me a small injury, so maybe a bit of my blood got in her system."

I stop the truck just as Olivia is about to speak and announce to both her and Delta that we have arrived at the target location. There is no more time to chit-chat. Now is the time for work as we both immediately got our gear and investigate the farm.

Like a well-oiled machine, we sweep through the main house, detaining a mother and two kids. An innocent family by all accounts. Innocent... until proven guilty. It didn't take much to get the mother to give us the whereabouts of two more 'civilians' on the property, which was where Olivia and I swept next.

Together, we kick open the barn doors and storm inside, but the two men inside are not scared. In fact... they are happy. Smiling and laughing as they sit in an orange mass. Much to our confusion, we still demand that they get down on the floor. They did, but again they are completely calm. Like life couldn't give a rat's ass if they are scared or not.

The barn is loaded with lab equipment of all kinds. Chemicals of the purest quality. Real military-grade stuff you'd never see in medical or scientific laboratories. I mean, some of the stuff here is so rare even the foundation is having trouble getting them. With such a high-grade laboratory, we ask ourselves what the hell they were doing. Then... the orange mass moves. First shrinking into a small 50 by 50-centimeter mass. Two large, puppy dog-like eyes form with a mouth and two stubs for arms.

Riot: "...What... the fuck... is that..."

Olivia: "It's... kinda cute."

The creature slid on the floor closer to us. I aimed my gun at it, not wanting it to get too close, as Olivia walked around and grabbed one of the men.

Olivia: "What the hell is that thing?"

The man is still in some trance as he replies.

Man: "A... happy... accident..."

Just then, the creature slowly climbs Olivia and back and... tickles her?

Now, I have encountered many SCPs and I can safely say that SCP-999 was by far the most surprising of all.

Oliva fell into a chair, laughing and giggling as the creature made a kind of cooing sound, like a soft twitting from a bird mixed and mashed together with the purring of a cat. The creature had finished with Olivia about ten minutes later and now turns its attention to me. I wasn't sure what it is capable of or ultimately what it is trying to do, but I am not taking any chances. We move in unison, the creature approaching and myself backing up.

We stayed like that until my foot touched an empty container. The creature seized the opportunity to lunge forward, opening itself for a hug, but I am too quick for it. The creature pretty much jumped into the container, unable to escape from the airtight lid.

-End Flashback-

The cute orange creature is trapped, and our job is done. All that was left to do is call it in and leave, but Olivia insisted we question the men. She wanted to know more about the creature and how they got hold of it. In short, the men were trying to create a new kind of medicine with the intention of curing depression and anxiety. They never intended to make a creature, but they may have found their cure.

The way back was filled with Olivia begging me to let Jeffy... not my naming... out of the container and let it travel in the front with us. And time on time again I tell her no. She would even say it will make me feel happy or calm. But I can never be those. To be satisfied is to be blind to the dangers around you... but... that thing has a way of putting a smile on my face.

-End Log-

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