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Agent Riot: H-004
-Entry Log # 111-

The Terror, the monster of humanity, the embodiment of hatred... these are common nicknames for SCP-682 but after Olivia and I brought it was known by name, The Hard to kill Reptile. A monster so fearless, dangerous, and mysterious that more than 150 men and women have died before it was ever brought in.


The only intel the foundation has on this beast is that it is big, fast, and very quick to the kill. Seeing as Olivia and I are not the first to try and bring this thing in, there has to be more to it. Something that none of the previous personnel knew about. Something... that gives this beast an advantage.

We are at a large construction site. Cranes stood tall and proud, some holding heavy equipment and others just had building materials. Multiple construction vehicles littered the with the occasional abandoned tool on the ground. Piles and piles of dirt, gravel, and clay created a separation between the unfinished building and everything else. Finally, a giant hole can be seen in the centre of the site. Bits and plates of concrete hang in the hole where a regular gust of wind escapes.

Olivia and I sit in an abandoned building staring out out the construction site. Silently planning our next move.

Olivia: "So... where is it?"

Riot: "It's there. In the hole."

Olivia: "How do you know?"

I can not believe my partner can't see why. I guess she has a long way to go before she can become a proper Hunter.
Just then, a radio static made itself known, and a familiar voice soon followed.

Delta: "Yeah? How do you know Riot?"

I sigh, surrounded by children compared to me. Olivia, I can understand but Delta. He has been with me since day one. He should know the ins and outs, the fact that he doesn't mean he... is not paying attention, and him not paying attention means he is not doing his job! He is supposed to be keeping track of everything, where the SCP goes when I don't know, how it behaves when I can't figure it out. He is supposed to be a better second brain for us.

Riot: "You're kidding me."

There is no response from him which causes me to take a breath, purely to calm myself.

Riot: "The only form of winds underground are geysers but even they are not capable of making an entire city abandon itself. If anything, the geysers would be made an attraction site. And even if geysers could scare people, this one is far too consistent to be natural. That's how I know it is our SCP."

Still no response from either of them. Until finally Olivia asks one important question.

Olivia: "....So what are we going to do?"

The plan was simple. Approach the hole downwind of it, throw some grenades down it and force the creature out into a trap that consisted of electrified nets. A soundproof plan... but we were unready. Unready for what slept in that hole.

Olivia: "I don't think the plan is working!"

She screams as a monstrous beast thrashes around in the net. It made a sound, unlike anything I have ever heard. A howl mixed in a roar with a screech of a banshee. Its jaw unhinges from its sockets as it roared and cursed. The net wrapping around the beast sheered and burnt its peeling rotting flesh. A gap in the net hooks on its exposed rib cage as its gigantic claws rips through the net like a sharp blade cutting through a sheet of paper. Many, many, many teeth tear through the net just as easily as the claws, and in a matter of moments, the dreadfully loud monster is free from the net and staring straight at us. Fury in its cold monstrous eyes.

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