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(I know this isn't the original pic of her but I just couldn't say no so this is what this SCP-953 is gonna look like)

Agent Riot: H-004
-Entry Log # 142-

It's not often I deal with a sentient SCP and even rarer to come out unharmed but this one was surprisingly easy. Bare in mind I don't say that often, especially with how dangerous this one is.


I'm sitting in the medical bay in Site-19 where Olivia is begin treated for her wounds. Those red dogs sure did a number on her and me but my injuries are just humble flesh wounds. She is covered from neck down with bloody bandages with a few scratches on her face. Her skin is as pale as the bed sheets she lay on which also has a few blood stains on.

Olivia and I did nothing but talk to each other. I would ask things like what she was going to do when I was gone and she'd give a funny answer like hook up with the Docter or randomly lie motionless in a hallway to freak out some scientists.

Riot: "You know, you could also spend some time with Greta. Get to know her, she getting to know you. Or if you are lucky you can see if you can interact with Glykós."

In a weak but stable voice, Olivia responds with a confused question.

Olivia: "Who is... Glykós?"

Riot: "She is a friendly water elemental, or well I think it's a she. Either way, you'd be lucky to see her because I hear they are constantly doing tests on her."

Olivia: "I'll try seeing both. If I can get put of this bed."

She gives a faint giggle which only causes me to smile. However the giggle is cut. Short when someone I haven't seen in a long long time enters the room.

Louise: "H-004. I need to talk to you."

She has the usual white lab coat with the foundation logo to the right. Her coat is not buttoned allowing a Thor Ragnorok t-shirt to graze my eyes. She wears what look like pajama pants with fluff sheep running as it's designs. Ever her hair looks like it just went into a blender.

Riot: "Sure..."

Confused and concerned for Lousie's health I follow her outside the room and immediately put the back of my hand on her forehead.

Riot: "Are you okay? You look sick and tired."

She simply waves off my concern like an annoying fly hovering around some food.

Louise: "Yes, I'm perfectly fine but it's you I've been worried about! You don't come to me anymore, I never get any reports from you anymore! Not only that you constantly leave for your next mission without a proper brief!!"

She has a point, ever since SCP-682 I have not has the time to see Louise. And I've been gone for a long long time. What else would one expect when one captures 78 SCPs from 861 to 939, including 682.

Riot: "So what? You want to give me a briefing?"

She crosses her arms and looks to the side, frowning and pouting. Louise doesn't want to admit it but she misses me.

Louise: "...... Yes."

Out of nowhere she pulls out a yellow file and hands it to me.

Louise: "This is your next mission. There have been reports of bodies being found in a large town in South Korea. The locals believe its the working of an evil nine-tailed fox spirit. Your task will be to find this spirit and-"

Riot: "Bring it in."

Louise: "Exactly. However you won't be going alone. We've already lost one hunter by unknown means so you'll have two other hunters to aid you."

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