The thought working with other hunters leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Sure I've proven I can work as a team with Olivia but she was untrained. We were more like master and student but other professional hunters... somewhere we are going to bud heads.

Riot: "Why can't I just wait for Olivia to get better?"

Louise: " know why."

Riot: "Fine, but I'm still taking my truck."

Louise: "Don't worry, they other two hunters said the exact same thing."

There isn't much else to talk about so I give her nod before walking off. Strangely, she didn't let me leave without a hug from behind. Her arms wrapped around my stomach with her face buried in my back. In a soft voice, I hear her say.

Louise: "Please visit more often.... Greta and I are missing you...."

Riot: "Sure... I can do that for you two."

It was nice knowing there is someone waiting for me back at "home". Be it a cyborg girl or a director of a site of horrors.

Seven days later, with my truck safely transported and my equipment ready for action, I made it to the town. A beautiful place with vibrant red, orange and blue colours. The locals were also extremely polite and fluent in English, making my life easier. What was even more surprising was that they were expecting me. The locals explained how my partners were here to rid the evil spirit from their town and that they were waiting for me on top of a hill nearby.

Not to my surprise there were two other trucks here with two men sitting by a fire. At the time they were in a good, talking about how this was the one SCP they are excited to contain. One of them even joked how they wanted to keep the SCP all for themself. Their mood immediately changed when I stepped out.

Their eyes focus on my like lasers pointing at a target. Their smiles vanish and is replaced with glares. It did not bother me as I simply walk up to the fire and sit on a log.

Riot: "Found anything?"

Hunter 1: "No."

Hunter 2: "That's your job."

The other reason for their excitement must be because they don't intent on doing anything at all. Great, a bunch of lazy asses. I sigh under my breath and just stand up before heading to my truck. I yell to them as I walk away.

Riot: "Fine. But I'm tired so I'll start tracking tonight."

They said nothing back. Sometimes I wonder how they have survived for this long. I mean, not only are they lazy but stupid as fuck. They thought I'd be a good idea to track the SCP down without me. I can't even begin to guess why but other's theorized that the huntets thought this SCP is a Kitsune which, according to myths, is playful and full of tricks and trickery. Kitsune have also been known to be seductive which.... is what lead others to believe the men went alone. Horny fucks...

Anyways, after I woke up they were not there. Thankfully they left pretty obvious tracks behind.

The tracks are fresh and clear, just want I need to know where they went. From the looks of it they headed up the shrine on top of the hill. On my way I came across a small stream running down the hill.

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