"Really? Then how would you explain this?" I pulled my phone from my pocket and showed her the video.

Her lips quivered as she furrowed her brow.

I questioned, "Why would you lie to me?"

She let go of my shoulders. "Okay, I'm sorry. Let me explain..."

"What is even there to say, huh? Give me a valid reason why I shouldn't break up with you."

"We were just getting along while editing our thesis—"

"Getting along?" I cut her off and gave her a stern look.

"Yes, and I don't know what came over me. I know I messed up and I wanted to tell you as soon as possible. I knew at first that it wouldn't be easy to elaborate, and if I try to explain, you wouldn't forgive me."

"You already know what is going to happen, why did you still do it?"

"I know, Steven, I know."

"What is...? You know what, exactly?"

"I'm an asshole, I'm sorry. Steven, I promise, give me your last chance. Forgive me, please."

"I can still forgive you if it was just one kiss, but Connie, photos of you and him going out for dinner, kissing in public? That's already a different approach."


I walked back slightly and looked at the ceiling. Instantly after, I faced him with tears drooling down my cheeks. I couldn't help but cry. I tried covering my face to prevent from continuing, but I failed to do so.

"Almost two years, we've been together, Connie. I fought for this relationship so that we wouldn't be separated. And then you came, flirting with another guy who seemed as though he is the perfect guy you dreamt of. And I, a friend from the start, the next as your lover, but you still treat me as your sidekick. How are we going to make this work? We barely talk and see each other and this is what you're going to do?"

Connie's eyes puffed in redness as tears streamed down.

I mopped the tears with my hand as I sniffed. "What is it that you see in him, that I don't have?"

"Steven, you're perfect." I stepped forward toward me.

"Then why him, why not me, instead?"

"I'm sorry, please. I'm begging for another chance."

"Do you still love him?"

"What?" she placed her hands on my face, "Steven, I love you, you know that."

I forcibly took her hands off. "That's not what I want! Answer my question, Connie: do you still love him?"

She didn't respond after that. She tucked her lips as I observed and her hands scratched by her thumbs—she's still in love with him.

I tucked my lips and kept my mouth shut as I extended my arms to both sides, slamming them on my lap afterward. Along with that, I softly shook my head no to my presumption whilst backing up a bit. I turned to face the opposite direction and sauntered, shifting my expression with a blank, ireful look.

My body slowly rebelled against me, causing me to kneel in weakness. The pain began to overpower again in my belly button.

"Steven! Let me help you." She approached me and held my shoulder.

I flinched. "Don't touch me."

I got up on my feet gradually, though my knee calves shivered in uneasiness. I continued to walk to the front door. I swung it open only to notice that it's pouring heavily. The people roaming around every sidewalk had their umbrellas with them while others used raincoats instead.

You Decorated My Universe (Stevencest)Where stories live. Discover now