Prologue: Ashton's Point Of View (✓)

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I woke up in the morning feeling great. Today, the tickets for a special gig are about to go on sale and we're going to sneak out and see the amounts of fans who'll be there. Also, Michael made us promise we would go to see Faith, his sister. I never thought this day was going to happen but Michael finally got balls. I might be a little bit too harsh on him. He told us about having a sister basically on the first day we've met but we only found out the truth of why we never saw her was a few years ago. It was her birthday and he was really down, we could tell. He barely spoke all day and me and boys thought we should have an intervention and cheer him up. Eventually, he opened up to us and told us the truth. Now, just a few weeks ago, he finally gain the courage to call Daphne, her sister's best friend and childhood friend of both.

#"I think I'm ready." Michael announces when he enters in the living room.

"Good, I guess." I say, not really interested in what Michael was finally ready for.

"Are you finally stop being a virgin?" Calum asks, I rolled my eyes at the stupidity and argument that was about to kick off.

"First of all, I stop being a virgin first than all of you and second, no, that's not what I'm finally ready for!" Michael says.

"What are you ready for, then?" Luke asks without taking his eyes off the TV screen. 

"I'm finally ready to meet Faith. Again." Michael says enthusiastic.

"Who's Faith?" Calum asks. 

"His sister." Lukes answer before Michael could have the chance to give a lecture to Calum about how he never listen to what he says.

"How the hell you know?" Michael asks, obviously overprotective. 

"Au contraire of what these two do, I actually hear you when you talk." Luke snaps.

"Fair enough." Michael mutters.

Michael was always talking about great and fantastic his sister was but we never had the chance to meet her. According to Michael, he stop seeing Faith, his sister, when he left his Dad's house, almost 10 years ago when Michael was 9 and Faith was 7. Also according to Michael, he was forced to leave but Faith didn't care and stop talking to him out of nowhere. He decided to stay cool and away for a while but then he realized that the longer he waited, the less chances he would have of having any type of relationship with her, again.

In that same day, he contacted his dad to find out about Faith.

#"I spoke to my dad." Michael said after being on the phone for 30 minutes.


"And he didn't give me Faith's number because, according to him, speaking my name is forbidden." Michael explains.

"Look at you...Being all Lord Voldemort over there!" Calum jokes. "Does she calls you The-One-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?"

"However, my dad gave me Faith's best friend's number... Her name is Daphne and my dad says that with a little bit of luck she might help us." Michael continues. ignoring Calum.

"So what we're gonna do?" I ask.

"We'll talk with Daphne."

"Will it be a problem?"

"Let's say that we also didn't leave on good terms." Michal vaguely explains.#

I asked Michael why wouldn't his father help him get back together with his sister but Michael quickly dismisses the conversation. I knew it was weird and strange of Michael but I didn't push it further. At first, it was useless thinking Daphne would help us organizing a meeting between Faith and Michael but somehow after a long and good conversation with Michael, she decided to help us.

Daphne said that there was no way Faith would want Michael near her by choice. Calum suggested we kidnapped her but Michael and Daphne had the idea of introducing Faith to them. Step by step, Faith was getting into our lives without knowing that Michael was involved in any way. I didn't think it was a good plan but it was the best we had. Since then, Daphne has been lying to Faith and has been hanging out in our apartment. Mostly it was because we were planning the whole thing but then we actually enjoyed her company and to Michael, it was the closest thing he would get from his sister, at least for a while.

Today is the day! Daphne will drag Faith to buy our tickets' concert. That was the first step; however, something went out of plan.

"Dude, you don't know who I just saw outside!" I said when I get close to Calum who stopped texting whoever he was texting. 

"Michael Jackson?" Calum guessed.

'"He's dead." I say, looking at him confused. 

"Whitney Houston?" Calum tried to guess again.

"She's also dead." I roll my eyes. "And you don't even like her..." 

"Hey! 'I Will Always Love You' will always be in my heart!" Calum spoke like a proud mother. "Amy Winehouse?"

"No, she's also d-Do you even watch the news?" I ask him and all I get was a shrug.

"Who the hell was it then?" Calum asked impatient.




"You saw faith?"


"How the hell is it possible seeing faith?"


"OH! You've told me sooner!"

"I-" I took a deep breath. "Where's Luke?"

Calum and I searched for Luke for a while when we finally found him eating a sandwich along with Michael. I was getting nervous for some reason. I didn't know if Michael was going to tell me to be friends with Faith or if he would yell at me for meeting her and stop me from seeing her again. And honestly, I don't know what I'm more scared of.

"What's up, Ashton?" Luke says when Calum and I walk closer to them. 

"You don't know who I just saw!" I said, trying to sound as excited as I was when I first talked to Calum.

"If you didn't tell me yet." 

"Clue: It's not a dead person." Calum says before I could say anything.

"Why would Ashton se-" Luke started but I shake my head to him like I was saying forget it.



"WHAT? MICHAEL'S SISTER?" Calum said out loud and that woke Michael from his deep thoughts.

"My sister what?" 

"I saw your sister."

"Where? When?"

"Outside. About 10 minutes ago." I said.

"Oh dear Lord, what did she said?" 

"Basically nothing. She said her name and-yeah."

"And...?" Michael asks, anxious to know more.

"Michael, it was nothing! I barely talked to her."

"Did she recognize you?"

"She knows I'm in this band, Michael."

"Let's go to the most important question here: Does she knows that Michael is in this band?" Luke asks. 

"No, I don't think so." I said. "She looked happy, actually."

"We need to tell Daphne!" Calum says. 

"No!" Michael said. "If she knows, we're dead."

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