Prologue (✓)

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People are gonna break your heart. People will let you down. That is the ultimate truth. The sooner you accept it, the less heartbreaks you'll have. I used to believe the people closest to you would never hurt you, would never do things that would break you inside because they knew what it would break you, they know your secrets, your fears. If you had trusted them by telling them your deepest and darkest secrets, why would they want to throw it all away to make you feel bad? Well, I would like to know the answer but the truth is that everyone is going to let you down one time or another. That is what people do. My own brother broke my heart a few years ago and then, years later, he made everyone around me break my heart as well.

My alarm sets off. I turned it off and covered my head with my sheets. 5-fucking-a.m. I rolled my eyes and groaned. There was no fucking way I was going to get up. As I started to fall back asleep, a loud knock on my door was heard.

"Get up, sunshine!" Daphne's voice sounded in the other side.

I rolled my eyes, again. Daphne has asked me to accompany her to a tickets sale the other day but I never thought I would have to wake up this early for it. She loved a band called 5 Seconds of Summer and I, as her best friend, couldn't help but listen to their music. I don't stalk them like she does but I've seen a few pictures of them and they're gorgeous. 

However, I've heart four voices in their songs but Daphne insists there only three members in the band. I find it weird, to be honest, but I'm not interested enough to actually search it up. I got up unwillingly and started to get dress. A simple black crop top, ripped jeans and my favorite sneakers would be enough for the day.

"Good morning, babe!" Daphne greeted me as soon as I stepped into the kitchen. 

"G'morning." I replied, determined to show her that I wasn't happy with her morning time choices.

"Grab a sandwich, we'll eat on the way." Daphne informed me and I just nodded.

I walked upstairs, did my hygiene routine and grabbed my car keys. I called out Daphne's name as I stepped foot out of our apartment and she followed shortly after. During the ride, I would stare at the dawn whenever I could – since I was the one driving, I couldn't be distracted by the weather. The sun looked it come out of the center of the Earth and was shining beautifully. The ride it wasn't long, after all we lived in the suburbs, a ride to downtown take us around 10 minutes. 

We were heading to the arena where those guys will be playing in a few months. I just know that one of them is called Luke and that is because Daphne is completely obsessed with him. When we arrived, we saw about hundred people in front of us. All these people to see some aussies? They must be really good. Daphne was talking about how much they were amazing, how much good looking they were and all those stuff fans talk about. I just listened and nodded at whatever she was saying.

"Daphne..." I whispered.

"What?" She says with a smile on her face.

"But you'll buy exactly what type of tickets?"

"I reserved a Meet & Greet that were giving specially to this gig."

"And how do you think we'll be able to afford that? Have you been working and you didn't tell me?" I laughed loudly. Daphne rolled her eyes, not finding my joke funny. Since I was the only one of us two who worked. My dad had our apartment for sale and when me and Daphne decided to get a place of our own, my dad gave us the place. However, Daphne and I had to pay the simple bills as a condition to live there. Even though I got a job at a local store, Daphne often asks her mum for help.

"It's money I've saved." She quickly says, ignoring my joke.

"You have money saved for the whole Meet & Greet but had to ask your mum for help to pay the bill last month?!"

"Can't you leave it?"

"You do whatever you want with your money but why pay mine?" I say without understanding after all this time why the hell she was paying mine if I didn't knew them. 

"I don't want to go alone!" She defended herself.

"Find new friends." I say to her.

"No one is like you." She says and smiles to me. I roll my eyes, ignoring her attempt of making me forget about the subject.

"You're so annoying, you know that?" I finally say.

"Yeah, you tell me once in a while." She giggles and I roll my eyes.

I didn't talk more. Suddenly a girl screams and starts running in one direction and a bunch of girls start following her example. I feel Daphne pushing me to the balcony where there was an old lady with a big smile. Daphne told her what she wanted and after she gave us the ticket and we pay, Daphne dragged me out of there and in the middle of the crowd I found myself alone. I had lost Daphne. 

I walked around the building looking for her while I was screaming her name. I see a bunch of girls with one guy. It must be one of them. I start getting closer so I could see how he was but I caught him looking to me. After the girls start running away from him with huge smiles, I hear a male voice break my attention that was focus in the girls.

"Hey there." He says. 

"Hi." I say. I look up and I see a beautiful hazel eyes.

"You seem lost." He says with a smile on his face. 

"Yeah, kinda am."

"So... are you coming to our show?" 

"Yes, my best friend made me to." I smiled but then I realize how bad that probably sounded.

"Not that I don't like your music! Because I do! They are really cool! I mean, you guys are really cool. Amazing. Wicked." I quickly say.

"What's your name?" He said after laughing at what I said, completely ignoring my rant. Thankfully.


"Hi, Faith, I'm Ashton." I hold his hand that was suspended in the air waiting for me to hold. "Do you have a last name?" 

"Yes. Faith Clifford." I say smiling still shaking his hand. His eyes open widely and I raise an eyebrow to him.

"Well, Faith, I think faith put you in my path." He laughs. His laugh was contagious and that made me crack a tiny smile.

"Everyone loves joking with my name." I giggled.

"Well, I got to get in." 

"Okay." I say having no more to say.

"Okay." He says.

I turn around and start walking away from him but not without taking one last good look at him He had his hands on his jean pockets. He never stopped smiling at me and I showed him one last smile. I stared into the ground, wondering what had just happened and how on Earth did I managed to hold a decent conversation with a, sorry the expression, fucking hell hot of a guy. Not that I was shy but I'm not normally the type of girl boys would want to talk to. My thoughts were interrupted when I hit something... or better, someone.

"Faith!" Daphne yelled by surprised. "I thought I'd lost you!" 

"Well, you did lose me. For a few minutes, though." I smile and she hits my arm.

"Don't ever disappear like that again! I thought you were hit by a car!"

"If you don't want that to happen then stop dragging me to your bands concerts." I jokily say with a smile in my face.

She smiled and even though she would freak out if she discovers that I was chatting with one of her lovers, I decided to keep it to myself. It was just a chat and I probably won't see him again until the gig. 

We drove home and when we got there, I throw myself to bed where I fall asleep. The rest of the day was normal except the fact that Daphne was always talking how much happy she was about the tickets and she was always singing their songs. Oh wait ... that's a normal day in my boring life.

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