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at this beginning i'll show you what every member of this fanfiction (whose important) are thinking about all this plan of michael and faith and bla bla bla.... i'll show you what they're really thinking about and what they're feeling towards faith. SO PROBABLY THIS FIRSTS CHAPTER WILL BE 'SMALL' BUT IMPORTANT

Luke's Point Of View.


"I was about to ask you the same thing." I said to her with my most relax tone of voice.

"What it went through your fucking mind to call to Faith?" She yelled again.

"WHAT?" Michael and Ashton both yelled to me.

"Can you all please calm down?" I ask them nicely.

"No, no I can't because I had to make an excuse to make it sound that Ashton wasn't a pervert and a stalker for having her number in his pocket, as you said to her." Daphne was burning red from her cheeks.

"You did WHAT?" Ashton exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"You guys can't be serious!? I mean, you're all trying to hide this from her and you want zero contact with her?"

"We'll make our contact slowly!" Michael sounded more frustrated than all the times we argued about this.

"'Make our contact slowly'? Are you kidding me? She's clever! She'll understand before the night of the gig comes!" I warn them for the millionth time.

"Yes if you keep acting this way!"

"How's she, Daph?" Ashton asked.

"She's fine, I mean, she's still confused because she swears she didn't gave you the number but-Why the hell you had her number on your pocket?" She asks Ashton and I wonder the same thing in my head.


"Because I gave it to him." Michael reveals.

"WHAT?" This time, Daphne, Calum and I said it at the same time.

"I want to have someone close to her." Michael explained.

"Hello!? I'm her best friend!" Daphne said.

"I know but you're putting yourself and your friendship with her too much and I want her to have someone to talk to, someone who'll support her after the Revelation Day." Michael said.

"You think she'll trust anyone after that day?" I asked him.
"Did you seriously call the day we'll tell everything to her the "Revelation Day"?" Calum asks and everyone thought about it.

"Yeah, it's kinda bad.." Ashton said.

"I think it's cool!" Daphne says smiling.

"Guys! Guys! You're missing the most important thing in this!" I exclaim higher than their voices.

"What?" Daphne and Michael asked.

"Faith's feelings." I said and the room went silence.

"She'll get over it." Daphne says.

"'She'll get over it'? And you call yourself her best friend?" I raised my voice getting tired of this.

"Hey, careful with your tongue young man!" She says frustrated.

"I talk what I want and I'm older than you!"

"Not much." She says.

"Still counts." I snap. "You'll make Faith horrible and she'll never trust you guys again!"

"Yeah, she'll be pissed probably-" Michael starts.

"Probably?" I interrupt him.

"-but it'll make us more united, I mean, I can't lose her."

"You lost her from the moment you left her, Michael." I said.

The room went silence again. Everyone was looking at me with surprised faces because of what I just said. Probably everyone thought that way but only I had the guts to tell Michael directly. Everyone was too manipulated by Michael to say what he was doing was wrong or people where too excited and curious about what was going to happened.

I remember the first day Michael told us that he was going to try make contact with his sister. It was last year and it's been moving since that day. Michael and Daphne have known each other since Daphne born and they lost contact since Michael left until a few months ago. Michael is too possessed with the feeling of actually talking to his sister again that he's not thinking right. He's not thinking about the consequences that he'll suffer once Faith finds out. According to Daphne, speaking Michael's name is unthinkable and who dares to do it suffer Faith's anger. If it's true that Faith transforms herself into the Godzilla when Michael's name is spoken, I don't wanna know what she'll do to us once she finds out we're trying to make peace between her and Michael.

At first, I agreed about doing this because I honestly thought Michael had just lost contact with his sister but there was more than Michael told us. We ended up knowing that Michael left Faith when they were young through Daphne, who at first, wanted nothing to do with Michael and his plan. I don't know how he did it but Daphne comes one day and says she agreed with the plan and wanted to make part of the "team". Once I realized how bad and how much pain Faith will feel when the trust comes out, I tried to stop Michael.

I really tried but it went worse than I expected. Once I knew, Daphne was telling Michael she was buying tickets to our gig and Michael had the excellent idea of making us sell Meet & Greet. We never sold Meet & Greet and I don't know how he convinced the management doing it but he did.

"I'm sorry, Luke, we have to do this." Daphne says.

"You have to?" I look at her. "Are you kidding me? Your best friend will hate you for life!"

"No, she won't." She said in a whisper more to herself than to me.

"You think she won't?" I shake my head. "I don't even know Faith and I already can tell that she'll be mad. No... Worse! Betrayed! Betrayed by the one who she thought she could trust!" I raised my voice and I was about to lose control of myself. "It's so cruel what you're all doing to her! You think she'll be happy to see Michael and she'll call him "old brother"? You guys actually think that she'll hug us and thank us for making a reunion between her and Michael and that we'll live happily ever after?" I look at everyone before I continue. "You're watching too many Disney fairy tales!"

"She'll understand, Luke..." Ashton says.

"No, she won't!" I yelled. "Are you out of your fucking mind? She won't! She'll hate you! And you! And you! And you! Even me!" I said while I was appointing to everyone in this house.

"She's my sister, Luke, and I want contact with her again!"

"You should've thought about it before you left her so many years ago!" I shouted.

"We better go to bed. We're too tired to continue this conversation... I'll take you home, Daphne." Calum said.

And so we did. 

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