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Ashton's Point Of View

I've been wandering around my room for 2 hours, trying to decide what to wear. I normally wasn't a guy who spent too much with his looks, however since I decided that today was going to be the day I was going to kiss Faith, I was a little bit crazy with everything. I didn't told any of the boys...

"So, are you going to kiss her softly or hungrily?"

... except Calum.

"What?" Calum asked after I gave him an 'are-you-serious' look. "I want to know."


"Because you're going to get slapped." He smirked, as if he really wanted that to happen.

"No, I'm not! Why I be slapped?"

"Not now... But later. When this whole thing is over and Faith knows about everything. She'll slap you for kissing her and knowing the plan." He answered, scrolling down in his phone.

"That is not going to happen." I said, dressing my red and black flannel on. "Is this good?" I asked Calum but regretted it right after.

"Are you seriously asking me how you look? Dude, you used to cut holes in your shirts. What happened to you?" Calum asked, giving me a disgust look.

"Come on, Cal!" I was feeling a little bit too much desperate.

"Yes, you're hot." Calum said, rolling his eyes but without looking at me.

"Thanks." I said, turning myself to the mirror. "Do you think I have to do something with m-"

"No." Calum cuts me off before I even finish the sentence. I look at him with my eyebrows raised. 

"You're hot, I told you." He said, I rolled my eyes.

"You're useless." I muttered more to myself than to Calum.

"I'm here against my will and you're telling me I'm useless." Calum defended himself, pretending to be offended with what I said.

"You're here in free will and you're only here to know how I'm going to kiss her." I corrected him.

"True." He said, looking back to his phone.

I turned myself to the mirror and I watched the boy who was in front of me. Who would tell I was going to kiss Faith this afternoon? A few months ago, I barely knew how she was like and now I fancy her. I mean, I really fancy her. 

I remember the first time, Michael showed me a picture of him and her, I felt absolutely attracted to her. Her green eyes really got me hypnotized, I also remember saying she really looked so similar to Michael; not only the blonde hair and green hair but also her personality. Michael showed us a few videos of him and her when they were little and they really connected in a level I had never seen before. 

When I got the pleasure to get to know her, with the passing of the days, I could tell she was, indeed, Michael's sister. Even in the way she treated people looked like Michael, I was also scary yet fascinating to see. My phone vibrates and I quickly grab it.

From: Clifford 2.0
Ready & Steady.

To: Clifford 2.0
Going & Flowing.

I shoved my phone into my jeans' pockets, exchanged my goodbye with Calum and practically ran downstairs. Luke and Michael looked at me with a confused stare but I ignored them and quickly walked out of the house. I wasn't really sure if I was doing the right thing but, God, it felt so right. 

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