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The weekend finally arrived and I was so happy to spend a few more hours in bed. Or so I thought. 

Daphne made so much noise when she was preparing herself to get out of the house and look for a job that I think the poor kids in China heard it. 

I got up a little after she leave and prepare my breakfast. After I did what I had to do – take a bath and clean the house – I sit on the couch thinking that that was the time I was finally having some peace to myself and my dear and beloved TV series. 

Once again, I was wrong. 

The door bell rings and I thought for minutes if I should or should not get up and see who it was but after almost 2 minutes of door bell rings, I had enough and get up. I walk towards the front door, thinking of a speech to tell to whoever was from the other side of the door that interrupting me while I'm trying to relax is the same thing saying that Annaliese wasn't capable of solving a case – too much 'How To Get Away With Murder', I know -.

"It better be someone important or I swear to God that I'll-" I stop myself from all that rambling when I saw Ashton standing outside of my door. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Hello for you too." He says as he cracks a smile.

"Oh, yeah, right. Hi!"

"So are you going to invite me in or...?" Ashton asks laughing.

"Oh yeah! Of course!" I slap myself in the face mentally. "Come on in."

I take a step back so Ashton can come in and once he does, I close the door. I turn around, only to face a smiley Ashton.

"Hey." He says, happily.

"Hey." I reply, confused.

"I want to ask you to hang out with me! What do you think?" His smile widen.

"I'm wondering if you're like this with every girl you meet outside the arena..." Ashton rolls his eyes at my comment and stands there, with the same smile, waiting for an actual answer. "Well, I think it's very thoughtful of you but I'm tired. I really don't want to go out. Especially, with you."

"What's wrong with me?" He furrowers his eyebrows.

"Screaming fans." I snap, crossing my arms. "Does that say anything to you?"

"Yeah, you probably right." Ashton says. "So, I'll just stay here." He starts to walk into the couch.

"And says who?" I raise my brows.

"I say." Ashton turns his face to me and smiles, before sitting on the couch. "You know what they say, if you want something, go get it."

"You want to hang out with me? In my house? With me, in pajamas?"

"In the matter of fact, I do." He laughs. "And, by the way, I love your shorts."

I look at him confused. When I look down, to my shorts, I see I have the shorts with horses. I feel my cheeks getting warmer and I look down, trying to hide my smile from embarrassment. 

I sit next to Ashton and turn the TV on. It turned on, on the news and it was talking about Beyonce.

"So, what you normally do for fun, around here?" Ashton asks as he looks around my living room.

"Clean what Daphne doesn't."

"Wow, really?" He raises his eyebrow.

"No." I laugh. "But normally I just stand here, watching all my TV series that I can't watch during the week."

forgiveness » a.i.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora