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Daphne's Point Of View

I woke up because I hear a knock on my bedroom door. At first, I look confused but then I realize it was Faith knocking to wake me up. Today I was searching for a job, or at least that's what Faith thinks. I told her I would go to some stores near the one she works but I will just wait for Michael to pick me up. I was spending every single moment of my life — or pretty much — with them. Even though I agreed to do this, I was still having some doubts about the viability of this plan and for make things worse Luke doesn't shut up and keeps telling us Faith will hate us and some sort of things. I try to minimize what he says but I think one part of me — or the whole part — knows he's right and there's no way on Earth she'll react well. I put some random clothes that Faith chose to me last night and went downstairs.

"You were late last night, young lady." Faith says to me as soon as I walk into the kitchen.

"Yes, I did." I reply, with no effort to continue this conversation.

"May I know with who?" She asks while she takes her cup of coffee to her mouth.

"It was no one." I tell her, clearing my throat.

"Are you kidding me?" She pauses and I look at her. "Unless your car changed color, model and knows how to park itself or even if you had a car, there was definitely someone dropping you off." I roll my eyes.

"Screw you, Faith. It's too early to have this conversation." I say, thinking in a good time to have this conversation.

"It's too early to have any conversation with you, Daph." She says laughing. It's true though. "Whatever. For a moment, I'll confess, I thought you would get up when I knocked on your door."

"It's still early." I mutter and she laughs. "So happy in the morning, it should be illegal." I mutter again before I get up and put my coffee cup in the sink.

"Leave it there, I'll clean after I finish mine." She says to me.

I just nod, walking away from the kitchen. I went to my room, closed the door and called Luke.

"Who's there?" Luke asks moody.

"Someone is moody this morning." I said joyful.

"Screw you, Daphne. What do you want?" He says angry.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No.""So are you so moody with me?" I ask him.

"Because you're the person I most wanna talk right now." He says and my felt my smile fade away. "So, what the hell you want?"

"I wanted to inform you that I'll going to be at TopShop store and I'll wait there for you guys."

"Fine. We'll be there." "Don't miss the store! Faith works a few stores away from Topshop and I don't want her to see us."

"Yeah, you don't her to see how shitty of a friend you are, right?" Luke sarcastic tone made me feel down.

"Listen, young man-"

"I don't care. We'll be there. Eventually."

"Eventually?" I yelled to him but the call went dead.

After I call Luke a lot of names mentally, I went downstairs and waited for Faith to finish getting ready. Once she finished, we went to the bus stop and eventually we got to a street with a lot of stores. We said goodbye to one another and I got into Topshop store. I eventually asked to the girl who was behind the balcony if they needed employers but they didn't. Even though I didn't wanted to work at all, I needed to show Faith that she was not alone in this sharing a house thing and that she doesn't need to support all my financial desires. After a few minutes, Michael rang me and I saw a car on the other side of the street. I ran over there and got in.

"Good morning, guys."

"Good morning, Daph." Calum, Ashton and Michael said at the same time.

"Will you not wish me a good morning?" I talked to Luke who was next to the other window.

"No, I don't wish you a good morning. Bad Faith didn't caught you in your lies." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Luke!" Michael exclaims.

"Leave it, Michael. He has the right." Ashton said.

"He has the right?" Michael and I wondered at the same time.

"Leave him alone, for God's sake!" Calum shouts. "Just let's do this already!"

"What will we do exactly?" I asked.

"We'll spy on her." Michael replied.

"Are you kidding me right now?" Luke said and Ashton does a move saying "let it".

We stayed for the rest of Faith's shift watching her. She couldn't see us because we were on a car with black windows but I could feel her eyes on me everything she looked to the front door of the store. Michael and I were the ones who most talked. Michael was talking about how great he was feeling about getting closer to Faith and I was excited about how Michael and Faith can have those moments I really loved when we were kids. They had the strongest bond I've ever seen and their moments together were amazing. They really looked they were the same, like they were playing with themselves. Michael always had Faith's back and always supported her when she needed the most that whole childhood. Everything she hurt herself, Michael was the one taking care of her. Getting cuddles and hugs from Michael was like a bandade for her and every time she needed something, she called Michael. Always. Michael was the one who truly understood her and now she got no one to hold. I mean, she has me but Michael was always her rock and she lost him really quick. She stopped trusting people hundred percent since Michael left. She's always guarded about her feelings and she doesn't let anyone know what she's feeling. 

That's why I want Michael back in her life. There's a chance for Faith comes that little girl who trusted people and that warm kid who was always happy and always called for her Mikey. I want her to be that old Faith again. The Faith who has Michael by her side. Michael was the one who truly made her happy and I don't think Faith can be happy again without Michael. Of course she's not unhappy and sad but Michael is always that person who will always be the secret ingredient for her happiness.

After Faith's shift is over, the guys left me home a little after Faith. I got into the house and I hear her yell from upstairs.

"Daphne, is it you?"

"Yes, it's me!" I yelled back.

She ran to the stairs and started to coming down. "Did you get any?" She asks me.

"No. All full." I was feeling down for all the reasons I had thought in the car.

"Oh, sweetie, you'll find something that fits you!" She says while she comes closer. In a act of impulse, I push her to me and hug her. "Oh, baby girl."

She hugs me back and I felt so much happier for a moment. Then I thought that this will be one of the few hugs I'll have after she finds out what I'm planning with the boys and sadness came. Is not that I didn't loved her or I didn't understand her pain. I get it. Or I used to. If someone would've asked me what I thought of this idea a few months ago I would've completely freaked out and I would've said that is was stupid and pointless. But right now, after I hear Michael's side of story, I'm really up for this. 

One thing that I still have in doubt and Luke always makes me remember is, is it really worth it? Is it worth loosing me friendship with Faith because right now I think that Michael should be with his sister? Luke always got me thinking about that theme and what scared me the most is that Luke wasn't wrong. He was probably right. He was most definitely right. I can't imagine my life without Faith by my side. I can't imagine what it will feel like when she looks me in the eye and I can see the disappointment in her eyes. I couldn't imagine that because I refuse myself to believe that she is that stubborn to not want another chance with her brother.

Oh wait... she is that stubborn. 

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