c h a p t e r 23

154 7 33

🎶My uptown girl🎶

-Billy Joel

Hunter's pov:

I hate many things in life.

People who chew loudly, people who talk when I don't want to talk to them, the tap running when it isn't being used, a certain person named Chloe-- wait, what was her name again? I don't really care, anyways, when I'm being held back from punching idiots, unnecessarily going to work in the morning when Marc's got a handful of other people working for him, seeing my family sad.

In short, I hate a lot of things.

I hate waking up in the morning just to sit and do nothing for half the time.

Groaning into the pillow, I smack my head back down with force and stay like that, unfortunately Sam's chuckle wasn't blocked, unlike my will to live- that was blocked a long time ago, "Sierra's gonna push you out of bed if you don't wake up," He tells me.

Right, girlfriend, will to live. Love of my life. My forever and always. Anyways, can I trade her for sleep?

I just groan in return, pushing myself further into bed and hugging my pillow closer, "I don't want to."

I just know that Sammy was rolling his eyes and fixing his glasses right now, "I don't want to be brother-less when I come back from college Hunter, and Ce's gonna be mad."

"You still have Mark and Junaid, family is with actions, not only blood," I wave him off, reminding him what Grams' used to tell us when we were kids, "and sleep is worth the pain of never seeing the light again."

The door creeks open and I take it as my cue to go back to sleep.

That was before I felt cold ice water being poured on my fucking back, "Shit! What the fuck?!"

I fall off the bed, the hard floor beneath me making contact with my cheek, "Dammit, you're aren't seeing the light."

...Welp, my 23 years of living were great. The only thing I regret is not telling I love her yet but other than that, I think I did pretty good.

Opening my eyes, they burn making contact with the sun.

"Oh I see the light okay, it's hurting my eyes." I sit up, covering my eyes.

"Yeah, well, good knowing you Hunter, our 19 years together were fun but apparently what sister in law does to you will stay a secret with me," Sam picks his bag up quickly, leaving us alone, "bye."

"Traitor!" I yell, wincing when I abruptly stand up and hold my cheek, "Baby, I got hurt, can you kiss it better?"

She looks at me with her raised eyebrow and 'immune to Hunter being cute' gaze, "I don't know, do you deserve getting one?"

I walk over to her, pulling her by her waist and taking her crossed arms and wrapping them around my neck. Bending myself down to her height, "Come on, give daddy a kiss on his boo-boo." Instantly, I'm pushed back.

"Hunter, you whore!"

"But I'm your whore."

"I'll kick your ass if you aren't."

"Jealous of my many admirers?"

I'm pushed down by my shoulders and end up back in bed, her face hovering over me, "Listen closely baby," a cute and non-threatening glare in her face, "I can handle people you've...been with talking about you and 'admiring you', BUT, you're my boyfriend."

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