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🎶My uptown girl🎶

-Billy Joel

Lacey's pov:

Granny told me to always be kind to others, a little sassy but in a playful manner, to always be grateful for whatever I have because many people don't have those luxuries, and to always stamd up for myself, not depending on my brothers to do shit for me.

I've always kept that in mind, ever since she told me, I've kept it in mind.

It's there. My motto. Something I repeat to myself everyday in front of the bathroom mirror, reminding myself that I am a good person amd I cam be better, I can be way better.

But there's just one person that...that annoyed me, irked me, got under my skin so fast. Someone who makes me break my motto and makes me explode and go wild.

He's a leech.

A cockroach.

Doesn't that stupid boy have anything better to do than pick on someone 4 years younger than him? He's almost a man, his actions say otherwise, but he's...he's a man physically!


He makes me want to rip my hair out, one by one, making it painful as possible so I wouldn't have to concentrate on his stupid words.

Which makes me question why he's standing in front of me right now, pity in his eyes and his stance vulnerable.

Why'd he come to talk to me when he could just go pay his respects to Hunter and Sam like everyone else? I don't want him to show me his face right now, I find him extremely annoying and...and I find him annoying right now too.

If he thinks that I'll be bothered by him when he says something idiotic, he's totally correct. I will be. And I'll make sure to ignore him, like Granny's said before "Ignore, not punch a score."

Even if they're leeches with the name Jace and they have nothing better to do, the ones that always play with the mop like hair on their head and don't know how to tame it so they look like some hobo.

Fricking Jace, hobo buttpoop.

But I have better things to do rather than actually communicate with someone, like grieve and mourn on my own.

"I'm sorry for your loss Lace."

Pursing my lips, I just nod my head, the least I could do was acknowledge this, I'm not heartless and rude.

And then I look away.

Sighing heavily, I hear footsteps walking over to me, till I see his shoes right in front of me, just there.

I frown, looking up at him, "How'd you get in my room, I didn't want anyone coming here."

Shrugging aimlessly, Jace shoves his hands in his pockets, "I'm a very persuasive person."

Sierra wouldn't let him in after I told her I don't want to talk to anyone right now.

My frown instantly turns into a scowl, "Lies, you're here to be stupid somehow."

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