c h a p t e r 3

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🎵I'm gonna try for an uptown girl
She's been living in her white bread world
As long as anyone with hot blood can
And now she's looking for a downtown man
That's what I am🎵

-Billy Joel

Now, you might be thinking, 'Sierra you dumbass, this is why your parents want to disown you, you listen to old ladies you bribe you with cookies and milk.'

She could be living a double life like that grandma from that movie 'Hoodwinked!'

She could be an old lady who's all sweet and nice in disguise but the moment she gets you all alone, BAAM! She's got you now, she'll sell you to the Mafia.

I need to stop reading too much fiction. But do you think I'd get a hot Mafia guy?

Leo was driving us to the woman's house, who's name I had learned was Vivienne but she practically forced me to call her Granny Viv. She said that we're all family.

If only sperm donor and birth giver could be taking notes right now. I'd also want to give them a special of 'Sierra White's famous punch', but I can't. 

They're my parents. 

And they're way older. Plus they'd fall with the wind blowing too hard, imagine what the punch would do.

Oh the pleasure it would bring me.

"Oh, you can stop right here sweetie. This is our stop." She tells Leo and then proceeds to get out of the car and then stands there, giving both of us some time alone.

As soon as she gets out of the car, we're enveloped in silence, and I know the moment he's going to talk, I would want to punch him cause I feel irritated for no reason now and he's breathing my air.

I just don't like him at the moment.

But I'm going to kick aside the hatred cause this'll be the last time I'll see him for now till god knows when.

"So um, I kept some money in your bag. Just in case you need it." I nod my head and bite the inside of my cheek. Trying to not say something awkward, like, yeah man, I saw you stuffing in some cash and I have your card that I swiped earlier. 

"I'm giving to um- I'm going to need your phone if you brought it. Mum and dad might track you down." I kept quiet cause, honestly, I forgot to bring my phone, "Unless you didn't bring it. That's good too." He says quickly.

Sighing deeply, he takes my hand and holds it in his, ew.

I was never one to have friends who would scream goodbye and 'I ALREADY MISS YOU!' after bring 10 feet apart and were going to meet at school the other day. I would never do that either, it seemed like blegh. Cringy as fuck.

I didn't have friends, I had Kate, but we weren't close, we were just...acquaintances. 

He quickly wipes his cheeks and my hand. "I wasn't crying, I was- just umm- the allergy season is near." He says all to quick, I scoff at him.

"You're strong Sierra. You're very strong. Never forget that. You might not think that what you go through back at the house is much but it is, there are many kids that would have killed themselves but you didn't. You stayed strong. Just remember that. Always remember that."

I tried my best not to scowl at him and just breathed out loudly, my lips pursed, "You're such a sap, I don't understand how anyone of your boyfriends stood you." 

Downtown BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora