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Sierra's pov:

I thought a lot about everything after I met my brother.

It had me thinking how many times he must have used me, blamed me in his stead because I already was a punching bag for our parents.

I just didn't want to be used anymore.

"Hey, do you need anything? I need to meet up with Marcus." Hunter says, coming up behind me, my body shuddered.

ew why is he being nice.

I turned around from where I was sitting on the couch and doing nothing but sobbing and reflecting on my previous rich life to where I am now.

Use me. Fuck why is he so hot.

"Yeah, condoms."

That's what I say, I say that because I'm smart, I don't need kids when we- I! I HAVE SEX!NOT WE.


"I'm sorry?" He pauses, his hands hovering over the keys and he looks at me, fuck he looks at me so good and I'm just a horny little bitch.

He has this whole eyebrow raised, eyes crinkled, lips kiss- punchable.

"Condoms." I choke out, "I'm horny."

"Ok." Hunter says and snatches the keys from the key pot, walking out and shutting the front door.

"Wow, you're both really stupid." Sam walks in, one of his books in his hands as he jumps into the spot next to me and shuffles to get into a comfortable position.

"That was extremely painful to watch, you don't even know," He sighs, "are you interested in my brother Sierra?"

At first, I need a few minutes to understand what he said, and that's when act out my reaction, because a verbal response to such a horrendous question isn't enough, I need to give people my answer so they understand and it's visual. A visual reaction. I'm quirky like that.

"Ew! Why would you think that? Where'd you get any idea like that? Is it cause you saw me looking at him when he was making breakfast this morning? That's nothing I swear, I just have a thing for men that know how to cook." I blurt out, waving my hands in front of my face to block everything.

"I cook."

"Yes well, I..." I trail off, leaning closer to tell him a secret in a whisper, "I have a specific type, nice and cute book nerds don't do it for me."

"Wow, you're the type of person who goes for the body and not personality." He shakes his head, "That's very airhead of you."

Offended, I smack his arm, "How dare you!? I'm older than you." I gasp.

"By a few months?"

"At least I'm 20, you're still 19." I flash him a smile.

"So, you are, interested," he brings it up again, "I mean, you're a far better option than his previous girlfriend."

Wait. His last girlfriend?

"What...last girlfriend?" I ask, standing up and grabbing the empty cup that'd been sitting on the table.

"Hold on, I never said I liked him."

"I never said you liked him, I said you're interested, and it's his body you're after." He shrugged.

Well he got me there, his brother has an annoying pesty personality and I bet he's the type that would outright just tell me that he finds me annoying, which he did last night when I passed him by at the bathroom.

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