c h a p t e r 30

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🎶My uptown girl🎶

-Billy Joel

Sierra's pov:

Thoughts ran around in my head, different scenarios, some bad and the others worse.

Axel stood near the window, curiously gazing outside, his tiny hands pressed on the glass, every time a bird flew by he'd smile and whisper something.

When we hear a knock on the door, his head snaps to mine and I quickly call him to me, he bolts towards me, hiding his face in my arms when I allow entry.

"Celia." Panicked eyes find my own, looking back outside once more before scurrying inside, shutting the door lock, a fist on her chest and back pressed against the barrier.

"Hailey." I stand up, cautiously pushing Axel behind me.

She puts a finger on her lips, and then presses her ears to the door and then sighs, slapping her forehead a few times when she's sure that no one's there to hear a us.

"God." she whispers, her eyes were shut, "Celia. Sierra. Fuck I don't even know."

Axel's head starts to stick out from behind my legs, wanting to know who was in the room.

She stands straight, rushing towards me while I step back hurriedly, she raises her arm from the side, putting it in her dress.

"Woah woah woah, Hailey what the hell?" I scream, falling on the bed, pushing Ace aside so I didn't fall on top of him.

"I get that I'm in some situation but I haven't broken up with my boyfriend and I still love him very much."

She looks at me weirdly, pulling a phone out of her bra, dropping it onto my side.

"I don't see you like that so sucks for you."

I pick up the device next to me, Ace waddles to me, placing a hand on my knee, staring at my hand.

"5 minutes."Haliey hurries, tucking a baby hair behind her ear, "You're going to get a call in 5 minutes, your father's bound to come here in an hour to check up on you," she tell me, "so you need to be quick, Leo's doing everything he can to stall him."

The phone vibrates and I panic, dropping it on the floor while Hailey curses, cracking her fingers, "Fuck, why does Marc always want to hurry shit?

"Pick it up Celia." She urges, biting her lips.

Accepting the call, I place it against my ear, "Hello."


My heart starts racing, and I see a light, hope, that little hope that I hold onto, a white light that I'm counting on to get me out of here.

"Hunter, oh God, Hunter how are you? How's Lacey and Sam? Please tell me all of you are safe." I rush all at once.

When the line goes silent, I just know something's wrong.

"Hunter." barely a whisper, wanting to get him to answer me.

"I don't know what's going on Sierra, I don't know," he sighs, "Sam told me Lacey's at some foster house, those are horrible baby, they ruin your life."

My hand covers my mouth, "W-where are you right now? How are you calling me?"

"Long story, but for now, just focus on stalling your parents, play along with them, I'll call you whenever I can." His voice gets distant, someone talking to him, telling him to hurry up.

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