The ghost pt2

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Y/n pov
After I saw that, tall black figure a lot of stuff has happened to me and Mattia. A couple days after that Mattia also saw it. A week after a lot of paranormal activity has be happening."We should stay at a hotel" I say "Maybe" Mattia replies

Fast forward to night time

We headed upstairs to our room and watched Netflix while cuddling. We fell asleep but got woken up when the door flew open. We looked at each other with wide eyes. I started crying on his shoulder. "It's ok baby" He said while rubbing my head. "Do you wanna go to a hotel? We can stay for the night and maybe the day" "Yes please" I say giving him puppy eyes. We got dressed and hopped in the car. We brung a small backpack sinse we staying a night, possibly the day. When we got there we booked a room for a night and half a day. We went up to our room and put our bags down. We got into our pajamas and went to bed. I honestly felt really relieved we were away from the ghost that's in our home. When I woke up Mattia wasn't in bed. I checked the whole room and panicked when I didn't find Mattia. I sat down in the bed trying to be as patient as possible. A couple minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I didn't hesitate to open it because I thought it was Mattia. When I opened it my assumptions were correct. Mattia had brought breakfast. I felt so relieved. "Good morning bubs" He said in a sweet tone "morning" I said. He walked in and set the food down.

Mattia pov
"What's wrong?" I asked " Well I woke up and you weren't here so I got scared" She said and then pulled me in for a kiss. "I wanted to surprise you. I mean a lot has happened lately" He said shrugging. She smiled and kissed my cheek. "oOo pancakes" She squealed "Thxs babe" She said "No problem princess" I replied. She sat down and started eating. While she ate I showered and brushed my teeth. When I was done y/n did the same. We headed out. I pulled up to Macdonalds and got some breakfeast. We then headed home. When we got there I already got a weird vibe but that's besides the point.

Fast forward to when you guys were done settling in

"Mattia I found out about this priest near our house I think we should call him" She said "ok" I reply. The priest told us that he would do some research on the house and come in a couple days. We heard a knock on the door and when I opened it, it was the priest. I told him everything that has been happening. He searched around our house and sat us down on the dining table. "I'm sorry to tell you this but your house is haunted by a ghost. This house is about 50 years old so a lot of people lived in it. But one of the people that lived here was a male. He was pretty young, only in his mid 20s. He was dating a young woman. But one day he got horrible news that she got ran over by a car. He was devastated sinse that was the love of his life and they were supposed to get married in a couple days. He went insane and hung himself upstairs, at the end of the hallway. His ghost has always stayed here to let his anger out at the people who live in this house" Me and y/n looked at each other with shocked faces. "Do you think we would have to move?" She asked with curiosity "I can give you a house blessing but if any intense things happen I'm afraid so"

Y/n pov
I was devastated when he said that. I mean this house holds so many of me and Mattia's memories. I would hate to leave it behind and move to a different one. I got a little teary eyed and Mattia noticed. "Can we please form a circle?" "Yes" Me and Mattia said at the same time. He took out his phone and played calming music. "We now will thank your friends and family for being part of this special occasion" He explained "Thank you Mattia and priest for being part of this special occasion." I said "Thank you y/n and priest for being part of this special occasion" Mattia said "Thank you y/n and Mattia for being part of this special occasion" The priest said "Alright" He said while taking a pink candle out of his bag and setting it up on the table. "Okay we will now pass this candle around and share a blessing" He said while handing me the candle " I am blessed for having such kind people in my life" I then passed it to Mattia "I am blessed for having such a beautiful family and girlfriend" He said whilst passing it to the priest. He blew out the candle and said "May your house be blessed" He then left.

A/n pov877 wordsI honestly don't even know what this story was lmao but I promise I'll do a smut next tehee

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A/n pov
877 words
I honestly don't even know what this story was lmao but I promise I'll do a smut next tehee

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