fluff-wedding day

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Tomorrow was our wedding day. I didn't know how to feel, it's like I was happy but scared or nervous. I don't even know why. I know Mattia loves me but it's one of those things where you know you'll be fine but are still nervous.


My best friend picked me up that morning and we headed to this hair salon we found online.

Mattia had already left that morning with his father so he could also get ready. Our wedding was going to be at the beach in Italy, I was so excited. I've only ever been to  Italy once or twice so I was super excited to even be here.

The whole thing is so beautiful, it's everything I've ever wished for.


After hours of sitting on a comfy salon chair, not complaining it really was comfy, my hair and makeup was finally ready. My mom and aunt were in charge of bringing all the food and cake to the place where the after party was going to be so we wouldn't have to worry.

I sat inside my y/bf (bf-bestfriend) car waiting impatiently for all the guests to arrive. When I looked out the window there was easily about 30 to 40 cars in the church parking lot. Most of the guests are from Mattia's family since we were in Italy. Few people from my side came because of how faraway Italy is from the US.


Soon all the guests were here and it was time for me to walk down the isle with my my mom."Ave Maria" played as I walked down the isle with my arm interlocked with my mom's. (Totally not inspired by 365 days:this day 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯)

Once I was standing in front of the white table with the priest behind it, Mattia and his father walked down the isle as well. Tears rolled down his cheeks even though he had a straight face, I knew he was trying really hard not to seem like a crybaby.

Soon enough, we were standing in front of each other. It felt so surreal. As the priest read the marriage vows, and we repeated I wasn't really there. I could tell Mattia wasn't either. We were both lost in each other's eyes. Thinking about what a great future we were about to have. Finally after we finished reading the vows, the priest said, "you may now kiss the bride"

And that's exactly what Mattia did. He pulled me in and we kissed. It's felt like we did so for hours, days, years, forever. I felt so happy at that moment.


In the after party we laughed, danced, and of course ate lots of good food. Even though I was having so much fun, I couldn't wait to go back to our hotel and just lay on our bed with Mattia. I already knew we were going to have such an amazing but long night.

YALLLLLL OMG, this feels so weird 😭 I haven't published any actual stuff in so long wtf. BUTTT, I'm back :) so I'm gonna be trying my best to be consistent because I do have school and soccer but I'll try my best !! Expect a part 2 to this fluff  soon. Also expect a new update on the sex demon story soon !!

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