Quick update on everything

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-Quick asap if you don't wanna read the shitload of venting I wrote, I just wanted to tell y'all that I'm almost done with the first chapter of the book I talked abt publishing and I'm also just going to update sex demon and my smut book at any given time that I am able to.-
Hey, so obviously by the title you guys can already tell what this is. So after thinking abt it, I am going to make the story I told you guys about, I made some changes to it and I'm almost done writing the first chapter. I will try my best to finish it by tomorrow so you guys can have something to read on new years lmao. I also have like 5 ideas for smuts, and I am also working on my sex demon book. Update on that, to be completely honest, setting a specific time to update for that book or just any of my books in general is hard. Reason being that I have school which I have to wake up really early for and I don't always feel motivation or like I have any ideas for it. I can feel the book I'm going to publish soon will be different due to the fact that the plot is inspired by my school love life 🙂.

Okay the rest of this is just me venting and wishing y'all a happy new year bc I don't have anyone to vent to so if you don't wanna read it you don't have to 😭. Uhm this past year has been really fucking intense for me, especially the first couple of months 💀. My mom got married, which was a lot for me to process due to the fact I've never had a father figure. I actually got through online school (seventh grade), most seventh grade nights were spent by me crying on my bathroom floor or just crying myself to sleep. I wrote my first smut, which got a lot of attention in the matter of days and got me to where I am now, I started eighth  grade in person (still am in person), started dating someone but we broke up, we stayed friends, started dating someone else and cheated on them, later realized after breaking up with him that I loved the person I cheated on him with more than I did him (ik love is a strong word🙂), found out the guy I cheated on cheated on me also but with four girls, I stayed friends with the guy I cheated on him with, still getting over the fact that me and the guy I cheated on him with don't talk as much as we do nor do the stuff we used to do, I get told one of my best friends has feelings for me and that she was going to ask me out, I confronted her but we ended up staying friends, one of my friends tells me a girl from my bus likes me, my other friend asks if I like her back, I said yes, she then tells me she was going to ask me out, and she did, and we're now dating 😩 I deadass don't wanna add this to this update but ive been needing to vent to just anyone so I feel like this will do me good :)

Anyways, I hope all 344 of you all have an amazing new year, This book is almost at 1m reads which I'm still like so shocked abt like wtf and also the fact that I have three hundred followers? I didn't proof read this update btw bc it's fucking 4 in the morning so excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes 😭BUTTTT, thank you guys so very much for everything, until my next update, 🍜

Mattia Polibio SMUTWhere stories live. Discover now