Chapter 18

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"Uncle Merle?" Peeking around the doorway bashfully, I batted my eyelashes. I was going to have fun with his fantasy.

He played along, slumping down in the armchair and crossing his arms. "Yeah? What're ya doin' up? Why ain't ya sleepin', baby girl?"

"I had a strange dream," I said innocently, looking over his muscled body noticeably.

"Oh, well, c'mere and tell me all 'bout it." Merle softly patted his thigh, indicating for me to sit in his lap.

"I don't think I should sit in yer lap," I said shyly, crossing the room slowly. "Yer in yer drawers. Mama and Daddy might think it's inappropriate."

"Ehh, yer prolly right. They prolly would." He laid one of his hands over his cotton covered cock to hide it from my view.

"I'll sit on the floor instead," I decided.

Merle watched me drop down at his feet, his eyes shining in the firelight as he spied the whiskey in my hand.

"Don't think ya should be drinkin' that," he said in a disapproving tone, nodding his head towards the liquor. "Yer parents wouldn't be too happy if they saw ya with that. Me, personally? I don't care. I started drinkin' when I was way younger than you, but they might catch ya. That wouldn't be good. They'd blame it on me fer lettin' ya cuz I'm a bad influence."

"They're sawin' logs. They ain't gonna know." I tilted some of the amber liquid into my mouth, licking the opening of the bottle once I had swallowed it. Merle's eyes flashed, his lips turning up into a smirk. Licking my lips, I let him see my eyes travel between his strong open thighs and his chest.

"Why don'cha gimme a drink o' that?" he drawled, holding out the hand that wasn't on his cock. "Yer givin' me naughty thoughts, lookin' at me like that. Thoughts I shouldn't be havin' 'bout ya. Yer too young fer me ta be thinkin' that way. It ain't right."

"M'kay. We'll share." I smiled, handing over the whiskey bottle. I let my fingers linger on his way longer than they needed to before he jerked his hand away. I could tell he had felt sparks of erotic electricity, which had been my intention. "Not ta mention the fact that I'm yer niece. Ain't that a lil taboo?"

"Yer Daddy would fuckin' kill me," Merle insisted, taking a greedy gulp from the bottle. "I'd be dead in a fuckin' ditch."

"When ya gonna lemme try some o' that moonshine you and Daddy make?" I asked inquisitively. "I always wanted ta try it, see if it's as strong as y'all say."

"When Jake ain't 'round ta catch ya," he replied matter of factly. "So, 'bout this dream. Tell me 'bout it."

"It was scary," I said, pouting. "I don't really remember a lotta it. All I really know is I was doin' things I shouldn't be doin'. I got caught. Daddy got mad, real mad."

"Well, what were ya doin', sweetheart?" Merle flinched noticeably when I laid my head on his knee, but he didn't say anything. He simply cupped the back of my head in his hand, gazing down at me like I was the most enchanting person on the planet.

"I was..." I paused, shaking my head. "Don't think I should tell ya. Ya might think I'm weird or gross, or it might make ya feel awkward."

"I'd never think that," he promised, brushing some hair away from my face. "A dream is exactly that; a dream. Ya can't control the movies that play in yer mind when yer dead ta the world, so tell me 'bout it. Maybe you'll feel better if ya do. Maybe you'll be able ta go back ta sleep, darlin'."

I pretended to think that over, then nodded. "Okay, I'll tell ya. Just don't get mad at me," I pleaded, observing him through my eyelashes.

"Never," Merle said gently, caressing my jaw. "Yer my girl. My beautiful Autumn Rose. Can't get mad at my girl."

Taboo (Merle Dixon x OFC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum