"Yeah, gettin' yer hair warshed by someone else always feels good," Merle agreed. "Unfortunately, I've only had my hair washed by whoever was cuttin' it. Never had a female I actually cared for warsh it, so this'll be a first fer me. It's usually a dude that warshes and cuts my hair. It still feels good, just not in a sexual way. Gets those nerve ending's goin'. Sometimes a female does it, but that ain't the same as someone I give a fuck 'bout."

"Lotsa firsts with us," I commented, sighing as his fingers combed through the length of my hair.

"Mmm, hmm," he mumbled, giving me a soft kiss. "Put yer head back and rinse." I obeyed, enjoying the feel of his hands as they helped wash out the suds in my hair. "Conditioner is next. How much do ya like? I used yer shit b'fore just so I could smell ya, so I know it ain't gonna be a lot. It's good shit."

"A dime-sized amount is plenty. My hair ain't super long, so that's all ya should need," I told him.

"That's what I figured."

Merle squeezed some in his palm and rubbed them together before putting it in my hair. He did the same thing he had done with the shampoo, distributing it evenly and kneading my scalp. I sighed again, enjoying his hands as they worked the conditioner through my hair and helped rinse it out.

"Yer turn!" I said brightly once he was done.

I was looking forward to washing his hair. This was the first time a woman he cared about was washing his hair, so I wanted to make it extra special for him. We switched spots so that Merle was under the shower head. He hummed and groaned his approval through the entire process, his body lighting up with goosebumps at my touch. My mouth latched onto his neck once all the suds and conditioner had drained away, leaving another one of my marks.

"Yer gonna have ta do that more often," he murmured, kissing me.

"Do what? Wash yer hair or leave my claim?" I giggled.

"Both! I'll smell like a girl fer the rest o' my life if ya promise ta keep washin' it. I don't even give a fuck. That shit is flat out erotic. Look at my cock!" Merle's thrilled attitude made me laugh.

"It really is." I glanced down at his groin. He was rock hard, his cock standing straight up. "Glad ya liked it." I flashed him a naughty grin, then grabbed my body wash and squeezed some into my palm. "Turn around."

"Ya gonna massage my back?" Merle asked hopefully.

"Yer neck and shoulders, too." I nodded.

He smirked and turned his back to me. He moaned once I started to work the muscles in his shoulders.

"Man, I got me my own private masseuse. Yer good at this," he drawled, relaxing under my hands. I was digging in with everything I had, kneading knots and hard spots. All his tension was melting away and going down the drain with the soap.

"Can ya feel everythin' when I touch ya?" I asked curiously, passing over a particularly long scar. I traced it with my fingertip, looking at the thin silveriness. The length of it covered his entire backside.

"Mmm, hmm," Merle hummed. "I know it's like a battlefield back there. Same thing with my front side, but I still feel everythin'. Reckon ya wanna know 'bout 'em. Ya've never asked, which I always thought was kinda weird."

"Yeah, I do, but we can talk 'bout it another time." I dug into the spot between his shoulder blades, making him groan loudly. "You can tell me once we get ta the cabin, and we're nice and buzzed in front of a warm fire."

"Sounds good." He liked the idea. "The story's kinda fucked up."

"I'm sure. I'm super curious, but it can wait," I told him, watching him nod.

Taboo (Merle Dixon x OFC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin