I gasp, "paralyze her, but leave Lindsey untouched?!"

"That is what we believe."

"But wait a minute..." Kai says slowly, "Lindsey had darkness in her anyway because of the Devourer venom. Would the poison effect that as well?"

Mom sighs, "theoretically, we believe the dart would leave Lindsey completely awake, with no source of any darkness, but we are not 100% sure. Unfortunately, it's the only idea that we have."

We ponder this in silence.

"Could this really get my sister back?"

"Where is the flower?" I ask

Nya groans and rubs her eyes, the glare from the computer hurting them, "that's what I'm working on. This is our only lead and according to scientists, this flower hasn't been seen in over 100 years!"

"Swell..." Cole says

"Zane could you do a wider search through your system?" Nya asks

"Affirmative." He says and his eyes starts flashing as he looks through the computer screens in his head. "Rafflesia Arnoldii. Otherwise knows as The Body Snatcher."

"We're gonna paralyze a body snatcher with The Body Snatcher?!" Jay says pointing out the irony

"That fits a little too perfectly." I say stiffly

Zane continues, "you are correct, Nya. It has not been seen for over a 100 years. The last known location was Hiroshi's Labyrinth."

"Hiroshi's Labyrinth?"

"It's a jungle on the outskirts of Ninjago. Miles of jungle so dense, all who enter are never found." Dad informs us

"Well... that sounds terrible." Nya says

"Actually it could be of great benefit." Zane says

"All who enter are never found, Zane. How is that beneficial?" Jay ask frantically

"Because that would mean the flower could've continue to grow this whole time and not be plucked for experimentation. The Labyrinth could be full of them."

"It's our only option." Dad says with finality

We nod in agreement, "okay, we need to come up with a plan and-" Cole begins, but he's cut off by someone bursting into the room.

"Master Garmadon, patrol is reporting someone trying to break in." A man says

We all run outside to the wall surrounding the monastery, joining the patrol.

Zane uses his night vision, spotting something the rest of us can't and suddenly runs off into the trees.

"Wait, Zane."

But he's gone.

"Come on." Cole says

We head after him and start searching for Zane. There's a sound of a fight somewhere close by, but it's too dark to see.

Then there's a scream that echoes around us. A girl's scream.

"Which way did it come from?" Nya

"I think it's over by the vehicles." Kai responds

And he was right.

Zane was walking towards us, with a robot tied up behind him.

"It's Pixal. But how did she find us?" Cole asks

"Who's Pixal?" I ask

"Oh yeah, you weren't there. Pixal is Zane's girlfriend... well, would be girlfriend if she wasn't evil." Jay explains

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