I stopped in my tracks, as Alaric walked ahead. He turned around and frowned, as he took in the fact that I was shivering. Within a heartbeat, Alaric was behind me and without asking he scooped me up in his arms.

"Alaric!" I cried out, my arms flying to wrap around his neck, with a firm grip.

"Yes, Valerie," he answered as he preceded to walk to the forest.

"You don't have to carry me-"

He looked down and gave me a firm look. "I want to."

I didn't reply, instead, I nestled my head against his bare shoulder. My hair dipped down and swung back and forth along with the breeze of the air.

Alaric soon set me on my feet and we stepped into the thick tree line. The scent of the fresh earth and trees lingered in the air and as I looked to my side, I saw Alaric appreciating the fresh scents. He inhaled deeply, his body shuddering slightly.

"Nature has always been apart of me, it calls to me," Alaric said, his eyes still shut. "A morning run has always managed to soothe my wolf and I wanted to share the experience with you."

Alaric opened his eyes and smiled softly at me. "I think your wolf would enjoy connecting with nature."

I smiled. "I think so, too."

Alaric walked deep into the woods, and I followed behind him. He turned to look over his shoulder. "Do you need help shifting?"

"I think I can manage, just give me some time."

He nodded his head. "I'll stay nearby, just remember to keep breathing and don't fight the shift."

"Oh and Valerie," Alaric said quickly. I turned my head towards him and quirked my head in interest. "Give your wolf the control that she needs, don't be scared of her."

I found a large tree that was wide enough to cover me, and began to take off my pyjama shorts and top. I folded them neatly, and placed them against the same tree for when I shifted back. The cold air nipped at my exposed naked skin, and I repressed the urge to shudder.

Just as I had done the other day, I kneeled down and closed my eyes and began to inhale and exhale deeply. Almost instantly, I felt my wolf stir and surface to the front of my mind. She seemed happy and excited, her brilliant white tail swishing from side to side, and her tongue drooping out of her mouth.

With my happy wolf in my mind, I welcomed the feeling of my bones reshaping and popping out of place. Of course, it wasn't easy and of course I screamed out in pain and cursed like a sailor but I embraced the flow of the shift. 

I felt fur replace my skin, and my face contorted simultaneously as my ears and teeth extended. My body slumped down and my back arched as it broke and reshaped. The whole time, the pain nipped at every fibre of my being. It was a process that needed to happen quickly, and the more I yelled and screamed; the slower the process became.

Once my shift was completed, my eyes fluttered open and all I saw was black.

Slowly, I lifted my head to meet the red. flaming eyes of my mate in his wolf form.

Alaric stood tall on all four paws, observing me. He quirked his head to the side, as his ears pricked up with concern. He was asking if I was alright.

I nodded my head, and with all my strength I hoisted my body up to awkwardly stand on all fours. It was a new experience, that I would have to get used to. Each time that I had shifted, my body was far too tired to do anything except lay like a limp cabbage leaf. Today was different, my wolf wanted to run, and feel the earth under her paws.

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