"Dont you mean the weeds?"

Maleficent shot back at the Evil Queen. I went to step away again but I was stopped once again, not by any of the villains, but by an arm sneakily wrapped around my waist. Apparently Harry didnt want me to leave, alright then. I looked up at him for a second and he glanced to me, sharing a smile before looking back to the screen,

"Ew! Who's the old bat?"

Cruella spat out. I immediately knew she was talking about FG so I fought to keep in laughter and ended up giggling a little. FG turned around briefly to look at me,

"Sorry, that was funny and unexpected"

I quickly said to make her less possibly angry with me. She pressed her lips together and nodded and turned back around,

"This is Fairy Godmother"

Mal said, leaning forward some. Maleficent smirked,

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?"

I turned my head into Harrys chest and silently laughed, trying my best to not make FG anymore cross with me than she already might be. At least Harry was chuckling too, made it a bit easier for me,

"Ugh! I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!"

She huffed, Maleficent laughed at her offense,

"You really couldn't give Cinderella till 1am? I mean really, what the hamsters have to be back on their little wheels?"

"They were mice! They were mice"

She said over and over again. I narrowed my eyes some and murmured,

"Why didn't you give Cinderella extra time? Huh... I've never thought about that... Wait is that where your obsession with curfew came from?"

I said a bit louder once I had my realization. The villains laughed as FG turned to me,

"Yes, because everyone must learn to be punctual and precise on their timing"

"Even if they had just found the love of their life? I dunno FG sounds a little off"

She sighed and walked to the side of the TV as Mal stepped forward some,

"Hi mom"


Maleficent exclaimed. Geez that seemed a little unnecessary but alright,

"I m-miss you!"

Maleficent stammered, almost like she didn't want to say it. I kept my expression blank, I have a feeling a lot of odd things are going to be said during this little interaction that I couldn't make it obvious that I pick up on almost everything,

"You children are never far from our thoughts!"

Jafar butted in, also sounding relatively genuine at least for now,

"How long must mommy wait to see you again?"

"Well there's a big coronation coming up so probably some time after that"

Mal said with crossed arms and swaying back and forth some,



"You sure I cant see you before that? I dont know what I'll do if I dont get my hands on that magic-"

Evil Queen discreetly hit her in the back of the head,

"You! You little nugget that I love so much!"

She quickly flipped from her somewhat maniacal sounding voice to a more childish one, that was suspicious wasn't it? Sounded like she was about to say magic wand. I took a deep breath and kept my dumb princess expression on,

The Queen and Her KingWhere stories live. Discover now