Chapter 10

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Elena Bonnie and Caroline was standing against Dahlia."You three think that you are so clever you can't defeat me."

"Wanna bet" Caroline said.

"All crimes are punishable by death" Dahlia said. She summoned a white oak stake and aimed for Elena's heart but Caroline vamped infront of her and the stake went into her heart.

"No" Bonnie and Elena yelled.

"We have to end this and Elena's the only one that can" Caroline whispered before she fell to the ground and died.

Elena tried to blast Dahlia but she stepped asside. Then Dahlia hit Bonnie with a huge volt of lighten sending her flying back"BONNIE"

"Your next" Dahlia sent Elena back against the wall and she felt a huge pain in her stomach.

Elena stood up her eyes were bloodshot. Then she let out a high pitch scream"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" Dahlia Davina Justin and Mikael turned into ash. Elena ran to her friends but it was to late."No how am i supposed to tell my brothers and my neices that there mothers are gone" The pain in her stomach started to get worse and she didn't want to go back she ran and never looked back until a year later. She missed her daughters and family so much but she knew that she wouldn't be able to handle the pain of them being gone she had finally reached her limit.

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