chapter 6

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Elena pov

I woke up the next morning in a bed I saw a note that read

Do not get up yet I know you'll wake up early but don't get out of bed
Your husband kol

He is so cocky

"Morning sis"bex said coming in

"Morning"I said standing and stretching then sitting on the bed

"You were knocked when y'all got back"she  said

"I was tired"I said

"What do you want to do today"she said

"Go to the falls I never thought I would want to go there"I said

"Yeah you love that place"she said

"Yes i do it was my safe place to go despite everything"i said

"Then will go"she said

"Yay"i screamed

"There gonna kill you"she said

"No they won't"i said

"We won't"klaus said coming in

"You do know your in love with my best friend right"i said putting emphasis on my

"Well played well played"klaus said shaking his head and walked out

"He's gonna get you back"she said

"1 phone call is all it takes"i said

"What did you do to nik"kol said coming in with a tray of food

"She screamed i said there gonna kill her she said they won't he said we won't"bex said and i countinued

"And i sadd you do know your in love with my best friend right"i said

"I wonder who she gets her blackmailing from"elijah said coming in

"I didn't do it this time"kol said and everyone looked at rebekah

"Ok i may have something to do with that but if anything i got it from her"she said

"You do realize i'm katherine's descendent who is a descendent of tatia right"i asked and they all looked at me

"I may not claim them as my relatives because they both were selfish no offense elijah but i think that may have something to do with my attitude and how good i am at blackmailing"i said

"She has a point"bex said

"Yeah but unlike them you have a good heart"elijah said

"Thanks lijah"i said

"Ok you eat"kol said

"Fine"i said and they all left out i ate and went to the balcony and looked at the woods

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