chapter 17

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all the girls were sleep and elena was up crying again it had been 6 months since he died and it wasn't getting easier for elena she wanted him back isabella knew how to crawl now and was started to use furniture to stand everytime she reached a new milestone elena couldn't help but feel sad he was supposed to be doing this with her she had been keeping isabella in her room not wanting to seperate away from her yet stacy was laying in her dog bed that was also in elena's room

"ugh" elena groaned after trying and failing to go to sleep she sat up against her head board and leaned off the side of her bed and grabbed the box and sat in on her bed she pulled out the album caroline had made her of her and kol from the last years she stole all the pictures from elena's phone and the ones that everyone else took and made it into an album

she opened it and looked at the pictures her and kol at the zoo the 20+ pictures of the baby shower the ones of her birthday party she felt her eyes tearing uo she missed him so much she seen all the pictures of her and kol that caroline took when they were looking like at the gender reveal when isabella was born and elena was out of it

the past 6 months had been hard she missed him so much and wished that he was here she had been doing the same thing everyday going to work with bella coming home watching her daughter grow eat take out and ice cream with bonnie caroline and haley and crying herslef to sleep she'd also been reading the spell everyday so when she did have enough power for it she could bring him back

sometimes when haley took hope to see the others elena let her take isabella with them elena was happy that they got to see her but she couldn't see them she would break down she seen the picture of her and kol when she had come back from the past tears were rolling down her face"i miss you"

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